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I was considering purchasing the tome 'Soak Your Nuts' (or Soak Your Nuts: Cleansing With Karyn: Detox Secrets for Inner Healing and Outer Beauty' to give it the full title).


I was a bit put off though by some of the reviews on amazon:


"I was skeptical at first, but in the interest of hygiene I tried it.I have to admit that soaking my nuts was really quite pleasant. Wringing them dry was not."


"I bought this in the hope that it might prove the answer to the inflamed condition of my sac, which hasn't been the same since I went to bed with Martha and woke up with Arthur. Imagine my disappointment when it was simply a collection of instructions on how to get the best from one's health food, and didn't relieve the burning itch one iota. I am now considering legal action, whilst applying Veet for Men to the area in a kind of kill-or-cure, deforestation exercise."


"My nuts have never looked or felt better! Had a bit of a crook time with them a few years ago, yeah a Sheila was involved so my left one had this huge scar that troubled me in the winter. Me right one's always been cool but, poor old lefty's been a bit constricted. Don't get me wrong, he still works and everything, it's just he doesn't have as big a playground as his brother. No worries, a quick read of this Sheila's book set me on the path to righteous nads!"





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In the same shopping session I was recommended Dunns River Cock Flavoured Seasoning 100 g (Pack of 12).


Again, some of the reviews put one off somewhat.


"Sometimes, a girl just want the taste of cock, but don't really want to do all the work. This is the perfect solution!

My only complaint is that it doesn't come in different sizes."


"I enjoy serving cock-flavored soup to my guests. The problem has always been how to get that proper cock flavor. In this modern era, cocks don't run around the way they used to in the past. You can't just grab a cock from the yard, choke it and toss into a pot. So this is a great way to get that authentic cock flavor without hassle or getting your hands dirty."

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