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Well, work is pretty slow right now and I am also finding it hard to motivate myself to be particularly productive. Actually I've felt like that for a few months now, need something to kickstart me I think. Just keep on dreaming about the weekends and fun stuff, to the detriment of work. Any ideas?


Really annoys me about myself, I'm either totally into something and put a huge effort, or I slowdown into one of these periods. There doesn't seem to be an in between. Though I suppose I would have been an accountant or something if there were.


Oh well, back to it...

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You need to make a 3 year plan, set some goals and milestones then schedule in some targets.


When thats done, all that is left is to max the envelope, leverage all capabilities then synergize Added Value

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3 year plan??!! no way, just coast alng and see what happens, much better randomness than organised fun!!!


I suggest start drinking more beer!! lol


Actually cycling arund town today I remembered why I love living in Japan, its the weather. Spring weather is awesome here, its just so beautiful. I've been in a little rut as well GG but the past few days has invigorated me, with the nice weather comes the longing f the beach, BBQ's and other great things to do outside!!

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I have never been overly interested in working, especially if I'm only making someone else rich. It's what I do outside of work that keeps me going. Just make sure you get out there an enjoy yourself. Work isn't so bad when you've got a whole lot of other cool things planned for the week.

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Money is not a motivator for me.

Productivity? From who's point of view? In what time span?

When you got something to look forward to, ie) weekend, funstuff..

You are doing good...


I'd love to make work part of the fun. I have been trying but haven't succeeded yet.

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Me too Jynxx, it would be great to have a job that stimulated and challenged me on a daily basis but I have yet to find one. No matter how interesting it is at first, after a year or two it always becomes dead boring. Still I'm now living in what I think is one of the most beautiful places on the planet with a cold, snowy winter and mild summer, which to me is like living in heaven. Throw in a great wife, a child due soon, good friends and all the outdoor activities I could ever want right on my doorstep and life just couldn't get much better. Job satisfaction is one of the last things I really worry about.

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I am probably one of the luckiest women alive.

I have that in my job.

I have good days and bad days - but working as a Sign Language Interpreter keeps you on your toes - there is always something new.


And then I have the electoral work - which if I did it as a fulltime job would be slit your wrists boring, but I swoop in manically race aroud like a nutter for a few weeks leading up to election day - election day itself is like a wedding day or carnival day - hyper/rushed/choatic and exciting - then there is a week or two of tidy up - result counting and the best bit of all analysis of all the informal votes (never ceases to amuse me how many people think it is funny to draw a penis on thier ballot paper) - then it is over for another year or three.


I love the variety.

I will never earn a motza from it - but it is good money per hour, and interesting rewarding work - BOTH jobs.

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Originally Posted By: Go Native
I have never been overly interested in working, especially if I'm only making someone else rich. It's what I do outside of work that keeps me going. Just make sure you get out there an enjoy yourself. Work isn't so bad when you've got a whole lot of other cool things planned for the week.

I'm the same, I work to live, I don't live to work. If I didn't need to work, I wouldn't. Unfortunately to do lots of cool fun things you require money and until I perfect the printing of money from my laptop I'll just have to struggle along working smile
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When I was teaching IT, I was in the lucky position of having someone pay me fairly decent money to do what I'd have done for nothing! (Note, I did NOT tell them that, though! evilgrin )


I had senior students (17 & 18 years) and they chose the subject, it wasn't compulsory, so they were motivated by a desire to learn.

Most of what I was doing, though, fell into the realm of trying to show them how what they already knew fitted the requirements of the syllabus, and how to make use of that in the (externally set and marked) Higher School Certificate examination.


Between classes, I had a free reign to investigate new tech stuff - all in the guise of "it will be useful for the students to know". clap

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Nah, we were a bit beyond that! More of the programming (Pascal and 4GLs), database design, advanced word/excel etc.

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Oh, yes! Had to do that a few times for STAFF!! They were the ones in need of the very basics - you know - this is a switch, if you press it, the computer will spring instantly (well sort of) to life!


Had a librarian whose computer was sat on the floor, called me to say "the monitor light's on but there's no lights on the computer!" Trip down there, plug had been pulled just far enough out to be out of contact (most likely by the cleaner's vac) but still looked to be "in".

Quick poke with the toe when she wasn't looking, and "Oh, look, It's fixed!"


Way to be known as an expert - ensure that people keep asking you questions you know the answers to.

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