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I just love koi carp, especially the colored ones. Could watch them for ages. There's a house up the road from me and they have a pond at the front with about 20 in there. Huge colourful things they are my friend says they are worth a fortune.

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We have a pond that we bought 6 Koi for...they cost a fortune in WA, are they expensive to buy in Japan?


I am really mad though as the Kookaburra's learnt they were there and how to catch them...I just hate seeing a kookaburra fly off with a $100 sushi dinner in his beak!!!


So I have gone back to the Goldfish - which they still pinch, but at least it is not hurting my wallet as much!


I prefer the Koi though.

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There are lots of huge Koi here. Many big temples have ponds full of monster fish. some do get stolen and eaten, but that information comes from my (mumble mumble less than politically correct) lady friend.

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Me Tarzan said that a few types are eaten but not many. They have to live in really fresh water and have a particular diet or something otherwise they taste disgusting. According to MT even the edible ones taste pretty gross and are just expensive.


I think they are stolen to be sold on as ornamental carp cos they can be expensive, rather than for food.

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