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At work I'm seeing these titles after peoples names in emails. I know what some of them are, but keep finding new mysterious ones.


Can anyone shed any light on this?


M = Manager

S = Senior

C = Chief (!)

CR = ???

TS = ???

EG = ???


Also, I'm always the only one who is just さん \:\(

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TS used to mean teaching staff in GEOS. We also had salary levels c1, c2 up to c9. The C stood for career. Could that be your CR? Perhaps they are Japanese words EG = eigyo?


In my old school they used to talk about SM all the time. It stood for Sales Money and was supposed to be code for man (10,000yen) so the students wouldn't understand what managers were talking abouut. Always seemed stupid to me. Why would you talk about private business matters in front of the students anyway?

In Japanese shops they have number codes for everything they do to keep it sounding professional.

I'm going to counter 34 = I'm going for a pee.

I'm going to counter 62 = I'm off for lunch.


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Putting BSc, BEng, BA, MSc, MPhil, etc after your name is anal.


In the circles you move in, everybody and his pet hamster has a degree. You are just setting yourself up to be laughed at.


Now, if it was LJ, I'd respect that. Not guilty your honour.

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