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Anyone see the debates on CNN via the youtube vids? Any good? I wanted to catch it but didn't. Sounds like there was "squabbling".


Bickering broke out yesterday between the camps of the two main contestants for the 2008 Democratic nomination with Hillary Clinton's team seeking to portray Barack Obama as naive in his approach to foreign policy in the wake of an experimental debate organised by CNN and YouTube.


Mr Obama, responding to a question from a YouTube user in Monday night's debate, said he would meet without preconditions the leaders of countries with which the US has strained relations - Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea.


Mrs Clinton, asked the same question, said she would not as she did not want to be used "for propaganda purposes".

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without getting into this in a big way, you know, the top job only affects the rest of the world, the pant suit lady though the best candidate in my eyes, would be hard pressed to convince the traditional wasps.

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It was quite interesting actually the bits I saw. Makes a difference from the usual setups they have for these things. I'm sure they'll repeat it Curt.

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Hillary's voice was by no means "Squabbling". Perhaps the media played it out as such. I'm not much of a democrat, but I will give props to how she handled that question. which was something to the likes of- "would you negotiate with Iran, North Korea, etc. without having any pre-conditions in place?" (Ie. Iran must stop their nuclear ambitions before the US approaches the negotiation table.) I completely respect her call on being used as a propaganda tool for these countries if there is not an international agenda in place prior to the meeting. You can't just go there and expect to be treated like anything other than a pawn with no support.

She shed good light on the battle these guys face when pursuing the negotiation table. You don't just get off a plane and say; "Hey... let's talk." without that country taking advantage of you through their own media. (Most the readers here should be aware of North Korea's propaganda of post-war... you know... America is preparing to invade?)


Barack answered his alternative to Bush's current strategy (which is- Iran must stop their nuclear ambitions before a meeting will take place.) Hillary then answered to Barack's alternative, which was- "I would speak to them regardless their ambitions.)



I quite liked the opening question; (again, something to the likes of; "All politicians speak their opinions, get voted into power, then do nothing... How will you be effective?" I thought that was spot-on. And very appropriate for this year's debate.

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"All politicians speak their opinions, get voted into power, then do nothing... "


Not sure this applies to george w.bush. I think we all knew it was going to be mayhem if he got in to office, and look what happened - 9/11 and warring.

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