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The media is reporting Peter Brock was killed today whilst competing in a Targa style event in Western Australia. \:\( \:\(




So in the last week we have lost Don Chipp (one of our best ever pollies) Colin Thiele ( a great Aussie author - Storm boy etc) Stevo (great aussie on a lot of levels) and now Peter Brock (one of our most successful car racers). \:\( \:\(



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Soub, why do you hate "our Aussie legends" so much. This is what you said yesterday, and now Brocky is dead. You killed him and the mulleted bogan deadshits of Australian suburbia are going to hate you for it.


Actually the quintessential Australian way of death is to it to drift too far from the crown of the road, put two wheels on to the gravel, give the steering a big heave, and spin and roll the ute into the trees.


The nation is under attack! John Howard will win yet another term as PM on the basis of this situation.

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I have a beef with Steve Irwin because I thought that he was an idiot, and a) should have left wild animals alone and B) should not have been holding a baby when feeding a 3m crocodile.


I was no great fan of Peter Brock. He had a notoriously difficult personality, and was sacked by Holden from building official HSV cars when he started fitting new age "orgasmatron" devices, designed to align the ether particles in the air, or something like that. However, I have immense respect for his talent. There was nothing left for him to prove. He was racing purely for pleasure, and I respect that too. You can also be certain that he was wearing full protective clothing and the car was fitted with a full roll cage.


I see a big difference between the two. Both had hazardous occupations. One seemed to take no precautions, instead made his reputation putting himself needlessly at risk. The other was very professional about minimising risk, but still paid the price of doing the sport he loved.


I actually said nothing critical about Peter Brock in my first post. The only "mulleted bogan deadshits of Australian suburbia" who are going to hate me are the Holden boys. The F*** types won't give a rat's arse.

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Good post. But just in case there is any confusion I wasn't having a go at you, I was:


a) cracking a joke about your amusing vision of the future (yesterday you mentioned Australians crashing cars into trees, then the very next day...)


B) generally poking fun of Australia's piss-ant habit of using the term "our" and "aussie" and "legend"


Given I haven't watched tv in over a decade and don't like sports I actually know almost nothing about either of these 'great aussie legends'. Any comments from me on the topic are just shit stirring.

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