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This is cool. I wonder what animals are usually like when drunk - do they dance stupid, be sick in taxis and say stupid jokes like us ningens?




An old people's home in Sweden found itself under siege from two drunks. But these were no ordinary drinkers - the tipsy pair were elks who had come upon some fermented apples outside the home in Sibbhult, southern Sweden.


The cow and her calf developed such a taste for the intoxicating fruit they refused to bow to police attempts to chase them away from the home.


Police officers were forced to take tougher measures to make them leave, bringing in a hunter with a dog.


The elks did not need telling twice, and left without protest.


The only thing police needed to do to ensure the pie-eyed pair did not return was remove the remaining apples, police chief Bengt Hallberg said.

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I once saw a drunk pig. It had drunk up an unknown amount of cider and was wobbling all over the place, just like a drunk human. Unfortunately he was in the "tired stage" of being drunk not the "genki stage" - and soon slumped down and fell asleep. It was interesting while it lasted though and the next day he sure seemed to have a headache.

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I once heard a sheep with a cold. It was coughing and sneezing just like a human, in between saying baaa-aa. Most comical it was. I can imagine it going baaaa-aaa huAGgh-blort baaa-aa after too much Pernod (or whatever sheep drink).

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