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I read all sorts of news on the web.

i also read foxnews.com, i really try to understand everybody. it has been interesting lately, with all this Intelligent design crap the con's are trying to pour over the poor school kids.


But i really just wanted to post this link


this is what happens when Bill O'Reilly interviews Ann Coulter (Moore)

I thought it HAD to be the special, and it was!


Just read this

"COULTER: We lost it because of broadcasters like Walter Cronkite going on and saying, "We're losing. We're losing. The red coats are coming. It's over." Demoralizing the American people, a Democratic Congress not backing our allies."

Make your own judgements

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Originally posted by Thunderpants:
"COULTER: We lost it because of broadcasters like Walter Cronkite going on and saying, "We're losing. We're losing. The red coats are coming. It's over." Demoralizing the American people, a Democratic Congress not backing our allies."
We had the US military nightly on TV crowing over the daily several hundred body count. To qualify as Viet Cong you had to be dead and Vietnamese. The Tet offensive demonstrated that the US military were lying. Blind Freddie could see Vietnam was unwinnable, although it may have taken Cronkite to get the message across in the USA.

"Those who forget the mistakes of history are bound to repeat them"
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True Sourbriquet. Worse still is O'Reilly's revisionistic (sp?) interpretation of the outcome of the Vietnam war. "no we didn't loose"


How long did it take for the Soviets to win in Afganistan.


Fox would be entertaining and fun to read, USA (welcome anyway) problem is just that the views represent a large portion of American voters.

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I had a listen to some of the stuff on that site. There was a piece bagging the BBC as a hopeless bunch of lefties for declining to label the London bombers as terrorists, but rather as bombers. Another piece bagged yurrup for allowing all these Muslims in (ignoring the Mexicans, as Catholics, they're OK). Then a couple more pieces bagging The Times (Murdoch rag) and the Grauniad.


In the interview, they were tweedle dee and tweedle dum, pissing in each others pockets. I would really like to believe that US voters have a higher opinion of the world, but if self serving stuff like this is taken as given, then bring on the revolution.

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As i wrote before i find the "intelligent Design" discussion very worrying.

intelligent Design is in my view "creationism light"

Teachers are being forced to teach their students that God created life, intelligent Design is being presented as science, that is the worst part.


Please read my man Krugman on the subject

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When Americans visit a future hospital with intense abdominal pain and there is no hard science, reality-based diagnostic equipment available, but only prayer and laying on of hands instead, they'll start questioning for themselves whether biology is a tool for the body or for the soul.

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