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So who is the best example of J-POP then?

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I checked this out and actually it's no laughing matter. Seems she has some sort of ovarian tumour. And it also seems that contractual pressures mean she's not taking the required time off.

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It's gonna be boom time for the plastic surgeons - not only do they get to remove Amuro's raburabu tattoos, they also get to do Angelina Jolie's too - unless the girls can find somebody else called 'Sam' and 'Billy-Bob'.

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Utada Hikaru got married to the guy who directs her videos, not a cameraman. It was on bbc news online today.


Ami suzuki is not coming back, she is dead like the dodo.


I can't believe no-one here has mentioned M-Flo, Dragon Ash or The Yellow Monkey. i suppose they are more j-rap, j-rap and j-rock respectively.


the yellow monkey kick ass. Also, X-Japan have a great track called 'desperate angel' they rule also.


has anyone noticed how some j-rock artists are just total rip offs of western artists? I am talking specifically about:


BOOWY (david bowie)

Triceratops (t-rex)

T-Bolan (t-rex / marc bolan)

Lindberg (led zeppelin)

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Ami Suzuki was popular about 4 years ago, then she kinda slunk away. Something happened but I forget what it was now. Then, in 2000 she brought out the Fun For Fan album. After that nothing.


I think she's been dropped by the label.


Its a shame cos she was fit.

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