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Everything posted by RobBright

  1. Yeah, thanks for the invite (just preempting the invite). Did you get a job up there then?
  2. Where are you off to this weekend? Personally, I'm going to Yuzawa Park Resort for the first time. Never been before, so should be interesting. Edit: Also looks like some good weather is due up according to Yahoo Japan.
  3. He was a bit OTT but that's what he brought to the character. The dichotomy of pent-up crazed lunatic, talking a million miles an hour, flipping from happy to bonkers.
  4. Says the man who DIDN'T share his sake with us.
  5. Another vote for Doctor Who. Great TV show.
  6. Ended up with 15cms here! Been shovelling it for the last hour or so. A good work out.
  7. 3inches deep here on the roads in Yokohama. Am seriously contemplating going out on my snowboard.
  8. Dumping snow here in Yokohama. Mental. And it's settling now. Woohio.
  9. Good job I voted Lib Dem in the last election then, but look where that got the UK. Tories probably always do make cuts, but then in the last elecion, Labour stood on a platform of "no, we won't make cuts", when in fact they had been sitting on a hot bed of ideas on how to make cuts. At least they are trying to prevent cuts in Health and Education. However one thing that is needed, and as noted by GN, is looking at the revenue stream - looking at who pays tax, who doesn't pay enough tax, who pays too much and who pays nothing at all. But also making it fair for all of those involved, a wi
  10. It's does go on, but when you hear them live, and somehow he fills the arena with that voice, it's sexual aural velvety goodness.
  11. What can I say? Thumping bass lines, amazing lights, vocally stunning, flamboyant front man. Needed more cowbell though.
  12. I have been aurally assaulted. First time to see them live, certainly won't be the last time either.
  13. Because Labour were so good at keeping the books balanced weren't they? They created a culture of spend, spend, spend, extending credit available to one and all, and being too lax with benefits. Someone had to cut the government spending, and whilst the ConDems have gone crazy, in some cases targetting the wrong people, they are at least doing something about it. They should also be cutting government spending on ministers and overseas aid too.
  14. Snowboarding in Bond? Didn't remember that happening. They make it look so cool, whilst they make skiers look like clumsy, uncoordinated idiots. Art imitating life again.
  15. It's gone and been replaced with something else, perhaps better. Report coming soon.
  16. Still not here yet as they had to repackage the package. I can't find my baby..
  17. I didn't know that. What batch are you making now?
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