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Everything posted by tripler

  1. finding big sizes online is no problem, it's guessing whether they fit big or small that's a challenge. Here' s the size charts of some different brands in US and MONDO (cm). Ride 12 - 30 13 - 30.5 14 - 31 Northwave 12 - 30 13 - 30.5 14 - 31 Nitro 12 - 30 12.5 - 30.5 13 - 31 Salomon 12 - 29.5 12.5 - 30 13 - 30.5 13.5 - 31 ThirtyTwo 12 - 30 13 - 31 Moving around the non-linear US sizes against cm sizes to get a brand's combination might be a good estimate of true size. I believe Northwave fits big and Ride is normal or a tiny bit small. If that's true, i
  2. italy has one of the top 5 biggest verts in the world. Think the other 4 are all france and switzerland.
  3. if you're on windows, virtual dub is a good for editing (and free). Can't remember if it does quicktime, but you can easily convert them anyway.
  4. I'm more interested in whether they're better in powder than whether they're worth the extra $$$. If a super-stiff binding doesn't make much difference in powder, then I'd probably go for a medium-stiff because that would be better for groomed runs. There's a medium-stiff in the top of the range, though a bit cheaper, and a very stiff (4.5/5) in the middle of the range. The question is just - is super-stiff noticeably better for powder, considering medium-stiff probably is better for groomed runs?
  5. Thanks Jynxx, seems my definition of freeride was a bit off. Going down 70 degrees ice, dodging rocks, isn't something I want to do. But I can see how ultimate edge control would be good for that. I can't decide between medium-stiff and super-stiff bindings. You say I'll lose style and flexibility with the latter - I don't want that. On the other hand, if they're better in powder maybe that's worth a reduced performance on groomers. But ARE they really better on pow? I just don't see why they would be. Though the online rep said they are. But then again, the ones she recommended just happe
  6. what I like most is slack country, trees, under the lifts - basically steep powder. If there's no powder, then carving. I never go in the park. Are stiff boots/bindings better in powder than medium? I'm getting a bit confused here... Isn't edge control for carving - the opposite of freeride? My understanding of freeride is it's off-piste, ie. powder. But the stiffest bindings say they're for freeride. Why would you need edge control in powder?
  7. interesting read, Ippy Could I ask for your expert advice? My new board is 172cm, medium-stiff (7 out of 10). Because I'm into freeride I thought I should get the stiffest bindings (5 out of 5). But does it make sense to have bindings stiffer than the board? Boots will probably be 8 out of 10.
  8. i'm in japan and big places like Alpen/Xebio usually only have one big size in the whole store. I haven't tried specialist shops but as they're only catering for japanese round here I doubt they'd have any big sizes. Looking at some online reviews it seems northwave is a big fit. But the very reduced one turned out to be freestyle, so that's out.
  9. yes online, unfortunately. I'm torn between going for a size 12.5 salomon which is more expensive but safer because the worst that could happen is it's a little too big, or a size 12 northwave which is very cheap and i like northwave and it could be the perfect fit BUT if it's not that's $80 + shipping down the drain.
  10. Which brands are supposed to fit big or fit small? Someone said Nitro and Thirtytwo fit big and Salomon a bit small. I found US size 13 Northwave slightly big for me and size 12 Ride, slightly small. So I thought size 12.5 would be good. Salomon are one of the few brands to make them. BUT on their sizing chart 12.5 = 30.5cms, which is the same as a 13 in Northwave and most other brands. I'm wondering how a size 12 Nitro or Thirytwo compares with a size 12.5 Salomon. Should I risk a size 12 Northwave, hoping it's a bigger fit than Ride? I had a pair of Ignios which described themselves
  11. i had to google it but wow, thanks stemik - you opened my eyes! "Only in Japan..."
  12. Tubby, were you seduced by this sales assistant? She is very lovely.
  13. I've had good experiences with Backcountry too. Once i bought some gloves, didn't like the inner glove style, so I sent them back and got a different pair. They were very straightforward about it and good communication.
  14. The House ships to Japan for $65 or $75, depending on snowboard weight.
  15. That sounds like a good price. I'm paying a forwarding company $160 to send a board to Japan because the retailer isn't allowed to ship that brand (LibTech) overseas. It's a bit more because it's going DHL, when the retailer would have shipped it UPS.
  16. Basically the shink feels like being inside a bullet as it's fired from a gun, right? Hence the term "bullet train". Well, the SUPER Azusa feels like being inside a subatomic particle travelling FASTER than the speed of light. That's why they call it "super". "they don't call it SUPER for nothing"
  17. Yeah, the shink's ok. But, Mamabear, I'm guessing you've never ridden a SUPER Azusa have you?
  18. I've never done it but I'd guess around 4 hours. I think it would be quicker than train/bus. The other option is a SUPER Azusa direct from Tokyo to Hakuba, though there are only a few a day. SUPER Azusa - beats the bullet?
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