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Everything posted by HelperElfMissy

  1. I am glad she got the care she needed - and that all is going well. Her parents are pretty brave. They stood up to intense pressure to keep her the way she way born for religious reasons. Gotta also bear in mind this is place where people dleiberatly main thier kids and themselves so they are more effective beggars! Top marks to her folks for keeping it real.
  2. Originally Posted By: thursday Mama, you can hike up, then hike down again if you like. Something tells me you think I stink on a board, Thurs! If I am HIKING up - I AINT hiking down! Maybe 2009...
  3. What you need do wannaB is start making some calls/emails. Get a couple of contacts and start there - if they say no, ask if they can recommend anyone else to try - then ring/email them...and keep going. Unfortunately the place is popular. We struggled to get what we wanted and had to juggle dates to get it, and that was in April! But ring around!
  4. What a view!!! Ohh I am definately coming back in a few years when I have the skills to be confident to hike up there!!
  5. If we were in JP that date I would come. Sorry. But if it is any consolation I am worried about the whole Global Warming thing too - especially after a week in China!
  6. Originally Posted By: skidaisuki Mamabear - with respect, if had been resident in Japan for years and had paid millions of yen in tax during that time, you might feel rather more aggrieved at this measure than you do as a casual holiday visitor. Even permanent residents (usually resident for at least 8-10 years) are not exempt from this indignity. I'm glad it's not putting you off visiting (nor should it) but it's a scandal all the same. Ohh! I hear ya skidaisuki! I said previously that this would likely have a negative impact on those travelling in and out of Japan regularly on busin
  7. I remember this type of debate reigning when there was the Australia Card issue...people object to what they see as thier freedoms being taken from them - they object to unnecessary invasion of privacy, and they object to waiting. Believe me - for the last 21 years I have worked State and Federal Elections in the polling booths - I hear the complaints, and I see them scrawled across ballot papers at the end of the day. ANYTHING that people do not choose to do they get ticked at. The world has gotten smaller - thanks to the internet, high speed jets and mobile telephone technolog
  8. Originally Posted By: thursday Mama. you keep away from there OK? . Had NO intention of going up there, my friend!! A couple of outings on a board does not a 'snowboarder' make!! LOL.. I know MY limitations. And the kids/men (none that belonged to me mind you!) who went there in April are not going there in January either...much more risk involved, much more nice snow easily accesible lower down! Part of the attraction of going up high in April was because it was gettin' kinda like a coke slushy from King Bell down - which suited me (with just 3 days on a board) just fine at the ti
  9. Originally Posted By: Go Native As others have pointed out the North bowl in that shot is no more than a 20 min hike from the top lift (have skied it many times). And you can ski out to the base of Hanazono with a little traversing. OK .. might be talking about a different area in my ignorance because *I* did not go there (my first time in snow remember), but a group of more experienced borders among us hiked to the peak from the top lift and found some playtime in a 'bowl' - sounds not too far from where you are talking at the very least. Why is this information interesting in regard
  10. Not that I pretend to know a lot about this but some places have summer activities to replace the winter ones - like white water rafting and mountain biking - those area's might be keen for a gaijin to stick around for the odd English speaking Touro... Try the water - if you are close to starving - jet back to Canada for a short working/saving/thinking time and work out your next step.
  11. Originally Posted By: Domokun_72dpi For me it's a frontside or backside stack.
  12. Originally Posted By: spook a whole family on snowboards? jeez, i can imagine lots and lots of skating through flat spots although it ust be very reqarding watching your kids whizz down the slopes, it must also be very frustrating at times huh? Nah not really - we don't know any better... Never skied! I only just got the hang of traversing narrow sections of flat the last trip to Thredbo - until then I kept freaking out with the speed needed and turning board across to heel to slow down and having to hike it while cutting off all the poor people behind me - but I got it NOW! S
  13. Originally Posted By: G natural vs googy = potential fun getting off the lifts together! Well as a newcomer to the sport I am proud to say we are able to ride the lift with 2 naturals and 2 goofy's on a quad and still get off the lift safely. We do have to think about it though... and I tend to make a late lift exit after I have got the cubs away safe with a little push. See how we go in the powder...???...
  14. My 10yr old is starting compulsory language next year and he has a choice of 3 languages - his pick - Japanese of course! We have hosted 2 Japanese Exchange Students from our school's brother school. One boy has outstanding English and really jumped into his Aussie Experience. The other had next to no English, I had to rely on my older boys for communication, but even then he was very withdrawn - I struggled thinking he might not be enjoying himself enough, but he read a prepared speech in English when he left which was very eloquent and apparently he had a blast (just a party on the in
  15. Ok..I have said it before - I am all for the security measures - and Domokun, His Injuredness ended up with a strip search at Sydney International on the way to the US 3 years ago...he tested positive to that swab for the chemical in bombs - yaddayadda. Could have been the chlorine he dumped into the pool or the fertaliser he spread on the lawn or the chemicals he washed out the dog kennels with the day before we left... No problem with it! It made the plane trip safe. I would also have no problem with this if it actually served a valid purpose. And keeping the Aussie out of Nisek
  16. The other thing to consider here is that this was a big issue when our family was heading to the USA for the first time, and we fully expected to be printed and photographed - but nothing.... So maybe we need to plan for delays (pack plenty of game boy games for the kids) and be thankfull if they don't happen
  17. Ok, here is my take on this issue... I have long held the belief that I would rather be held up in immigraton and security at the airport and have to stick teensy bottle of my perfume and hair conditioner in a see thru placky bag, than have the plane I am travelling on end up sticking half in and half out a big tall building... All for security. But what purpose does the fingerprinting serve? Surely photographing entrants is enough!! Terrorists are not likley to leave fingerprints lying around for matching... And how secure will the database be? Are the fingerprints go
  18. Good point Rag Doll. We are looking at property at the moment, and we do not have the spare $$ to drop on the inflated yet Western friendly Niseko - so we have been looking at other area's. One of the real estate sites in Hakuba area was actually quite discouraging for Western investment...?..Go Figure. But prices were WAY less than is being asked in the big N. I would love to get in on the ground floor with a nice little holiday shack in a JP ski jo that is about to boom with foreign visitors/investment. That kind of tourism, spends $$ in an area and helps the facilities and the
  19. Originally Posted By: wannaBsnowboarder Originally Posted By: thursday Mr Ash, what is your budget? Haven't really set a budget yet... I did a season last yr at Big White in Canada and rent there was 500 a month for a pretty decent place. Would i be expected to pay about that for a nice place there or more/less??? I honestly don't really know so any help would be great! Depends on what you expect for pretty decent. Is it just you? Do you want a private room in a lodge or boarding house? Or are you after your own one roon serviced apartment or are you thinking more of a unit/mul
  20. I can't wait for someone to wipe the lens on the Ace#3!! See how much is on the ground!~ Serious case of jealously ... one of our travel group for Jan is hoping over there THIS weekend for a bit of business...so he is taking his board! Some people get all the fun!
  21. What a shame FT! In April I was buying water bottles and sticking them in the fridge until one night when we ran out and I just grabbed a glass from the tap. Tasted magic! No adverse effects. Refilled the empties from then on. Less water sales for the Seikomart! Spent the money on Pocky instead!
  22. Upper Hirafu is closest to the lifts, but the shuttle buses run in loops to the lower village regularly at this peak time of the season - so you can stay at the cheaper accomodation in the lower or middle village and still get good access. Costs vary depending on accomodation a lot!! Nothing to avoid.. **Water is the best I have tasted anywhere - mountain fresh. **Look into a Season Pass or a bulk Hrs pass for lift tickets. Could save you heaps! **The shop in Niseko Landmark View (just down from Gondola) sells Frozen Meat Pies, sauce and vegemite if you get serious Aussie cra
  23. Hey...having the post out here in the open educates us all! I never knew how to do it either. Thanks for the info big-will.
  24. OK..I was in another thread and the goofy/natural thing was mentioned and I was wondering if you have found any correlation in riding styles in families? Like a genetic bias to one or the other... Why I ask is His Injuredness and myself are both natural. But the 4 bear cubs are ALL goofy. It always seemed strange to me... Anyone else got a mix in the family? (BTW - we are ALL right handed).
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