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Everything posted by Tesselator

  1. 24? Yeah, I watched saeson 1 like that.. It took me just a little over 24hrous to watch it too. Being real-time I thought it would be interesting to do so. I haven't seen the other seasons. I was told that they weren't worth watching. Was Season 2 any good? -- btw, I also like The Wire. Pretty interesting! Especially when they did the real (live) videos of the actual people the story was about at the end of the DVDs. I know (knew) people like that.
  2. 1. Hinduism (100%) 2. Theravada Buddhism (95%) 3. Mahayana Buddhism (92%) 4. Taoism (90%) 5. New Thought (89%) 6. Unitarian Universalism (87%) 7. Jainism (86%) 8. Liberal Quakers (77%) 9. Neo-Pagan (62%) 10. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (59%) 11. New Age (56%) 12. Orthodox Quaker (45%) 13. Sikhism (44%) 14. Secular Humanism (40%) 15. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (35%) 16. Nontheist (35%) 17. Reform Judaism (35%) 18. Scientology (35%) 19. Seventh Day Adventist (33%) 20. Bah�'� Faith (26%) 21. Orthodox
  3. Quote: Originally posted by Bushpig: Well, except that this guy is the minsiter for the ministry of health and welfare. Can we really just let that slip? Especially after his seond gaffe on the subject that many Japanese have taken offense at? It is not just the western way to react to an idiot in power. This is a democracy after all, and he should act and speak responsibly. That isn't just a western reaction. The JApanese do (and always have) expected their leaders to behave and speak in a responsible manner. Not that they always do/have... Yeah that sounds right to me. But if you're ask
  4. Quote: Originally posted by ger: Dave Barry summarizes shaving history here . At the time the article was written they were only up to four blades. Proof only than man evolved from salamanders! But I've known that all my life so no news there!
  5. This is pretty kewl! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9CIPWpqsps&NR But then again the Amiga was doing this with AIX, Windows (2.11??), MacOS 6.8, and The AmigaOS itself back in the early 90's so... Oops, that four at once... Ooooo Wolf ticets!
  6. Then you don't use windows as heavily as I do or as most people working on computers do. Microsoft itself admitts this in published doccuments and interviews. It's just a fact of using an OS that relies on a Registry and is as big as windows is. Sure if you hardly ever install or uninstall anything and are narrowly purposed in your usage of the OS then you may not see this trouble. But that's a bit like parking you car in a garrage, and only turning it over for a few minutes a day - never taking it on the road and then saying that the car is so well made and trouble free. Ummm.
  7. I agree with what CHEESE had to say. I've used a bunch of OS's (Amiga, MacOS, OSX, BeOS, WarpOS, Windows including Vista, IRIX, LINUX several, Digital UNIX, and etc.) Vista, while the best windows yet, is still full of security holes, bugs and the need to reinstall the OS and loose everything every 4 to 6 months is still the case. I bought a Mac about a few months ago. The Mac Pro. A Quad core Xeon (2.66 x 4) Intel machine with a list price cheeper than any Winows or Linux box of the same spec, and am really loving it. Everything just works and it keeps working day-in and day-out as i
  8. Quote: Originally posted by Mr Wiggles: It's great to see someone post more than one line!!!! You've got a lot of points there Tesselator. Thank you. I thought so. Still do. Quote: Gender relations in Japan are certainly very different to the west, but this current issue has nothing to do with Westerners sticking their oar in. Based on what my missus and her mates say, the original problem is the word "machine" (he said both "kikai" and "souchi" (device/apparatus)). They reckon it was rude enough to the blokes' own wife, to say nothing of other women. They didn't se
  9. Yeah I guess 18% is wrong... I heard the number on the radio. Maybe it was 4.18% ? Anyway the percentage is like 50 times higher than Japan and many times higher than most of the eastern countries like Iraq/Iran (before the war), China, India, etc. The main point really is that the US system, ideals, and "norms" are less than adequate IMO. And in fact evidence would suggest that it is actually destructive. Ignorant of the proofs or perhaps in spite of them, most Americans (as portrayed in the media) strongly desire to force those standards on others - socially, ecconimically and poli
  10. Quote: Originally posted by Bushpig: he said "生む機械" which is literally a birthing machine. I think he's right. Oops, does that make me a total fool too? Maybe huh? But I do note the distinction that he did NOT say that's all they were - as in "only birthing machines". And you have to admit that a VERY high percentage of females in Japan do not aspire to gathering much life expirience beyond their participation and roll as a wife and mother. But I say this too is a good thing! Why westernize them? They are not oppressed. They do not yearn to hold more power or impor
  11. I saw a pair of video gogles once in a high-tech novelty sight. They were like those video glasses that are already fairly popular but also allowed one to see through them - or past the screen as it were. I can totally see stocking a series or two onto a video iPod and catching an episode per run started on the chair up. On the run down they would serve to keep the snow and glare out of your eyes too. The ones I saw were an amber tint - perfect for the slopes! They say wearing these things gives the user the same sensation as being center-row at a mamoth theater.
  12. Quote: Originally posted by grungy-gonads: Interesting read here about how tv shows are getting better and lots of stars and directors moving there rather than movies. Got to say I don't watch many movies recently and have got into a fair few tv shows that are really good. I watch both. Well kinda. I DL everything I want to watch via Bit Torrents. The last TV I watched and liked was "Deadwood". I downloaded the entire series - took about an hour. And whatched the whole 3 seasons worth of episodes back to back non-stop. Prison Break was pretty good too as TV series go. This month
  13. I say we are all flakes. Like the flakes of winter frost we combine to form snow. We are all the same substance and in the death-transition lose our precieved selves and realize totally that we were always one. Like the melted snows rejoin the ocean. There is no individuality or self but that which we decieve ourselves into perceiving is real. There is a God and we are all part of Him/Her/It. There is no salvation and there is no death. There is nothing constant but change. Only constant change. Like flakes to lakes and possibly back again.
  14. After working at the parks in Utah (Snow Blowing) and doing a little patrol I moved to Japan. Been here for 20 years now and only been back a few times. Everytime I get a new job here the sacho makes me play tour guide and take the co. members on a ski tour in Utah. So Nagoya, Japan it's been for me! It's better here than in the US I think. Unlike the USA, Japan is a free country!
  15. Exercise! Do situps each morning. About every 20 or 30 min. change your posture, put your hands above your head and streatch. About every 90 min. get up out of the chair completely, walk about and do some streatching. Very important are the morning situps! Keep your lower back strong and in shape and the rest of your back will not be so prone to repeditive strain injuries and muscle tension aches. Yeah, can you tell? I work with computers all day (about 16hrs a day). UG!
  16. I see you already got the 600 but what the heck, someone might be interested in a low-down on this puppy. The PIXUS MP810 (not to be confused with the PIXMA MP810) is the fastest printer of the common pack. Meaning all the Epson's , HP's and Canon's that one sees in the bigger electronic shops here in Japan. Print quality is great but aren't they all about the same? I mean they all look like photographs to me - even with a magnifying glass - which I did actually take to the store with me to examine the output of eash of the models I was interested in. If you use the Canon ink a
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