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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Tesselator

  1. Wow! Sounds like a wild ride samuri. Ever thought of writing about it? I mean like a script or something?
  2. No. I built a nearly air-tight cedar chest to store it all in. The C=64, the 2 1541's, the 128D and the 2 1571's are in the top compartment. The 1900 floppies are stored below. The whole thing sits under a tarp in my garrage. All the parts are there if I ever wanna play or have the urge to get out the 6510 assembler tho. I have 4 or 5 extra SID chips. So I keep toying with the idea of making a SID-Synth. Some of the designs out there are killer and the sound is awesome! http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid.html http://www.sidstation.com/ You can play and
  3. Yeah, Irago is pretty good. I dunno shiza... or I forgot it... You don't like long beach? (Chita han) It's not that bad - really. There is some decent surf there sometimes. And they've cleaned up the beach since long ago. It's got a lot of posers but on the other hand 20% or so of the surfers outside are young babes. So that kinda makes up for it me thinks. LOL, that reminds me of my first Jap-Dewd-Surf-Nazi encounter. I brought my kid down with me so he could ride on the front of my log for a few waves. The rest of the time he played on the beach. No trouble to anyon
  4. Quote: Originally posted by YellowSnow: It doesn't matter 2 sides of the same coin, they are all out to keep you in economic servitude. A more important question is, why do American politicians have such big heads. So the world bank members can fit in their hand - puppet control. I agree with your first sentence a lot too! IMO we sold the last hope of freedom for our country in 1913 and we're NOT getting it back without a clear set of targets and an armed revolt. Kenedy knew it and tried to sidestep the armed conflict part and well, they killed him (His brother and son too right?).
  5. Wow... that would suck! The way our thing went down I think it was better (for the kids) than if it were a suicide. Mom was home and in bed for the last 8 months - we were fighting. Man, as a kid - how would you deal with parental suicide? UG! Hard to even think abuot!
  6. If you have iTunes on your machine you can go to the Radio button, open the Talk folder listing section and play "Air America". They are really into giving a comprehensive, no bullshit, profile of the candidates. As well as following the Senate, house and movements of the current dictator, err, decider, err, president.
  7. Well, if you own it, you can copy it once (backup) or something like that. But I suppose you guys are right. Don't need to invite trouble. Trouble seems to invite itself too often as it is.
  8. Yeah, Meeza major sad mon! It made me realize a few things though - besides how much I miss her I mean. - Just how much responsibility four kids are... - And how I wish I would have saved instead of spent back when the bubble was big.
  9. Yup... Meeza one machine man. She died last year though. Ovarian Cancer. So now I'm Mr. Mom to 4 kids.
  10. Yup yup... That's typhoon swell! Loves it! Waits for it! Gotsta rides it! Haven't for the last two years tho.
  11. I know exactly what you mean... I grew up in So. Cal. From highschool age not 3min. from the beach and not 15min. from the famous "Wedge". In grade school we lived on the beach front in Seal Beach. On the Japan Sea side I hear you really have to watch the weather to catch good swell.
  12. Quote: Originally posted by Bushpig: gee for someone praising the Japanese way and complaining about the Americanisation of the place in another thread, that guns comment sure is strange Not to mention the "erb" comment! Damn corrupting foreigners! Yupperz.. I reserve the right not only to be subjective and objective in the same forum but also to be inconsistant at any given time. Hehe... Quote: But to your original question... decent, easily accessible, crowd-free surf. Where have you tried? I do Wakayama and Chita han. They aren't too b
  13. Gosh you guys... Hasn't anyone been skeet or trap shooting before? Or had the pleasure of building your own black powder rifle and taking it to the range for some target shooting. It's fun and interesting! Archery too yo... Not to mention paint-ball fun. Not everyone into guns is into sensless killing or the survival scene. My kids have lots of AirSoft and we often set up a target range on camping trips - or spend time at our smallish indoor range here at home. Okay, forget I mentioned guns then...
  14. Yeah, Deadwood for me was one of the best TV series I've ever seen. For sure woth the rental price (or DL time) for all 3 seasons! As an additional perk... I think they came very close to capturing the drama of those times... Meaning I think it's pretty close to how it was - focusing soley on the drama aspects of the time/place. Here's what the place looks like now: http://www.deadwood.org/_Panoramics/_Large.cfm?Panoramic=Deadwood2&Title=Upper%20Main%20Street Pan around up in the sky and hop from viewpoint to viewpoint. Neat-o!
  15. Quote: Originally posted by JellyBelly: Very interesting market for sure: Cool info! I wonder if Wii and 360 are inverted for the USA graph?
  16. 900 DVDs 600 CDs 1900 Commodore 64 floppy disks. 1200 Amiga floppy disks. 160 SCSI hard-drives - no idea what's on them. Unused computer equipment. 20 machines - 80 keyboards, cables for all of them. A bucket full of lighters - Lost track of the count at about 120 but there's about 4x that in there now. Negatives and Prints - I have like four moving boxes stuffed full. A wall made from home-made and "repaired" guitars - soon to be tossed I think. Oh, and camera lenses. Ummm....
  17. Most of the voters in Japan are women? That just doesn't sound right o me. Shrug. But I will say this to Jane: I have 4 kids. 2 born in the US and 2 in Japan. After everything the two in the US cost me $6,000 and $8,500 respectivly. The 2 in Japan cost me $250 and $600 respectivly. That's all with no complications and just whatever government services and insurance were available to us at the time. In California for both of those kids we got on WIK (or WIC ?) which got us about $800 of free food after the children were born and about $200 of free vitimans before hand.
  18. I personally think that the differences between Canon, Epson, and HP are so minute that it may not even be worth the time to research it. Sure, I wrote the review above sayinng that the MP810 pulls ahead slightly in every category but it really IS vre slight! We're talking 5 seconds slower per print (manufacture estimate), a few yen different per print prince (again manufacturer estimate), and etc. I can't stress enough how thier output all looks so similar that I believe human eyes can't tell the difference. Jane has a really good point in that regard. If they are all so similar th
  19. So what's missing for you? Sure Japan is a great place to be. It ROCKS.. But certian things seem to be missing (or inadiquate) from the lifestyle here. For me: A steaddy stream of neighbors dropping by almost daily to share food, their latest favorite music, or some nice bud. A steady supply of exotic connoisseur grade erb. Guns and shooting ranges. Skateboard parks. English magazine racks and book-stores. You?
  20. If you're into freely distributable political films I can recomend these: http://tinyurl.com/3c9kxs http://tinyurl.com/3y47m3 http://tinyurl.com/2qk76b http://tinyurl.com/3yzr3k http://torrents.thepiratebay.org/hashtorrent/3591616.torrent/The_Oil_Factor.avi.3591616.TPB.torrent http://torrents.thepiratebay.org/hashtor...487.TPB.torrent http://torrents.thepiratebay.org/hashtor...999.TPB.torrent http://torrents.thepiratebay.org/hashtor...936.TPB.torrent http://torrents.thepiratebay.org/hashtor...555.TPB.torre
  21. I think I know what he means too. It's like the shape, timber, or tonal quality. I've noticed that too but it doesn't seem to follow any hard rules. Nor am I sure it can be adiquately discribed for discussion or study. Interesting to know that someone else has noticed such a thing. I thought I was the only one to spend time with such thoughts.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzHlMs2rSIM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zju8wSDAdXY
  23. Quote: Originally posted by YellowSnow: Tesselator are you sure you dont have any gripes about your mac? Especialy if you have Unix/BSD experience. I use almost every operating system at work, but any time I have to touch anything on our xserves I feel slightly uneasy, I never know if what I have done is actually committed. Yeah its easy to plug in a new Raid, but some things need to be hands on. I don't have xservers but sure I have some compaints about my Mac. It's more about Apple though than the MacOS (OSX). Apple has the worst Green rating of any other computer manufacturer!
  24. Quote: Originally posted by klingon: I use a Windows Pc about 10 hours a day. I'd say that was fairly heavy usage compared to most people. I've never had to do a full reinstall due to. It seems to me that anti-MS people seem to enjoy going ott on the exaggerations at the slightest provocation. Was that aimed at me? Hey, I'm not anti-MS. I have 6 MS boxes and only one Mac currently. 4 Dell Precision 650 dual Xeon 1 eMachine J4325 1 64bit ultra-spec game box 1 MacPro Dual 64bit Xeon dualcore (4cores total) Oh, and the laptop I'm typing on right now is a Windows mach
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