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Go Native

SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Go Native

  1. Couldn't possibly be a love for the region fattwins? I know it must be difficult for you to understand why anyone would want to leave hakkers for hoks I'll be sure to let them know you're still thinking of them though.
  2. Most places you can get a 500ml glass for 500yen which isn't too bad. Only places that you get charged more are the upmarket foreign owned restaurant/bars.
  3. Originally Posted By: samurai There has to be huge amounts of BS in that. Nobody spends 16,000 a month in clothing. Sure, some rock stars buy a few outfits, but come on. Those purchases do not continue month to month. Even rock stars don't have time to shop like that. I call BS. I remember seeing an interview with the tailors for Michael Jackson. They said that Michael has a new outfit created for him every day! He never wears the same clothes twice. I'd say he'd easily spend $16,000+ per month on clothes. You have to remember that some of these stars could easily spend $10,00
  4. me jane we had to show proof of a parking place in Kutchan so I can only assume that rule applies no matter where you live. Frankly why you'd want to live in the city and commute to the ski fields rather than the other way around just doesn't make sense to me. But then I really don't like cities...
  5. Been a bit heavier snow falling this afternoon and Annupuri is getting whiter and whiter
  6. We had a dusting of snow right down to village level in Niseko overnight and there have been light flurries through today. Not settling down low but Youtei is covered almost to the base. We just need more precip to come through now that it is cold...
  7. A light dusting of snow to low levels overnight. As I look out the office window currently it is snowing/sleeting very lightly. Youtei has cover settled to near the base of the mountain and Annupuri has a light dusting as well.
  8. Pouring rain and thunderstorms this morning. It's very mild but colder air coming through overnight.
  9. The legal system here is simply terrible. I can only assume that the police have no idea or ability in collecting and processing forensic evidence as it seems that nearly all cases rely on a confession to go to trial. Of course they can hold you almost indefinitely until they get that confession they're after....
  10. Originally Posted By: Ezorisu You think it'll drop as expected this weekend? There certainly appears to be some cold air on the way. It is likely to snow to low levels at night but day temps will be well above freezing still so only higher areas should hold it.
  11. Yep looks like I'll have to get the snow tyres on my car on Saturday.
  12. Some spectacular storms over the region last night with heavy rain. This morning is mild (8 degrees) and cloudy but the rain has stopped.
  13. Last year Dec actually had some really nice powder. The year before Dec absolutlely rocked. The year before that Dec wasn't that great early on but when it hit it hit big time. As I said previously there will always be snow in Dec, it's just not certain whether there will have been enough by mid December to cover the undergrowth off piste to make it skiable. You need around a metre of snow on the ground before you can start accessing much of the off piste.
  14. Cost of living up here in Hokkaido is incredibly low. My wife and I earn less than half what we did in Aus but we are able to save more here. Granted in Aus I had a home loan and here I fully own my house but just living in a rural area is so much cheaper than living in a big city. There's just not as much stuff to spend money on...
  15. Cool up here, still below 10 degrees currently with rain coming in later. The forecast has things cooling down significantly from Thursday onwards with snow likely to fairly low levels.
  16. Plenty of gaijin in Hirafu living hand to mouth I can tell you (not myself luckily). I know guys here barely pulling in Y150k per month and trying to support a wife and kid.
  17. Well I worked in a prison, if that made me part of the 'uniformed mafia' then yep I was (whatever that means....).
  18. Originally Posted By: thursday It takes a certain mentality to live hand to mouth. A certain irresponsible attitude to one's own well being. I take it you've never been poor then thursday? I've known many families who live hand to mouth as you put it not from any irresponsibility but from very low wages. Probably don't get to see much of that side of life from The Peak in HK though I guess
  19. Originally Posted By: thursday As an impressionable teenager, I overtook a pig van on my CX500. They came after me and pulled me over. The young pig, no older than myself, took a swing at me "cos you were being cheeky". His partner apologised and then they drove off. I didn't know how to complain then but if it happened today, I'd take him to the highest level. You certainly must have been impressionable as a couple of little incidents seemed to have made it impossible for you to actually use the word 'police'. Your overt disrespect in calling them only by 'filth' and 'pig' is somewha
  20. Since most of the island is liberally covered with snow to sea level then a little hill just out of town can provide a few nice slopes for a morning or afternoon. So basically wherever you are, if there are some good hills or mountains nearby there will be backcountry opportunities. Once you have a more definite location we can give you more specific places that will be close by.
  21. That's typhoon #20 for this season. Pretty impressive.
  22. Yep I heard that they have filed for bankruptcy. So it would seem it's all over.
  23. It's definitely that....what more do you need to know?
  24. Another frosty morning with a little high cloud at the moment. Reasonably mild later with expected top of around 14.
  25. Most of the main companies in Niseko would have filled their winter positions already (or are currently scrambling to do so) so if you want to try that route you'd better send in an application real soon. Many people do pull out last minute for various reasons, some get visa applications knowcked back, so it's worth a try. That is if you really want to work. I agree with the others saying save, save, save and just board everyday.
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