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Everything posted by ncorrenti

  1. I don't know how anyone could jog/run wearing a normal bra - it's extremely uncomfortable! Sports bras are much more comfortable and improve posture while running. Having said that, I don't think it's jogging that we need to worry about. From what I've heard, nothing ruins your breasts faster than breastfeeding!
  2. 97: If you're looking for bad things about sausages, you won't have to look very hard! Most sausage meat made for commercial sale are made using meat offcuts and are also packed with flavourings, starches and nitrates. The nitrates are the scariest part, because some nitrate powders become carcinogenic when they're fried/cooked at high temperatures. If you're looking for good sources of information on this, you should check the relevant food standard association websites. Also, google 'sausage nitrate' and you'll come up with a bunch of stuff.
  3. My competitive streak is dangerous. When I can't win, I cheat. No one will play Uno with me anymore!
  4. I started an office competition, I couldn't let them beat me!
  5. Yeah but lots of naturally occuring things in the world are bizarre and weird... more so than some things created in a lab!
  6. Real shmeal. If it looks like meat, tastes like meat, smells like meat, how is it any less real? It beats killing an animal.
  7. What are you going to serve at his birthday parties, carrot sticks and hommus?
  8. My mother wished she could get me to come inside and sit down. I thought eating and bathing were a complete waste of time. All I wanted to do was play tiggy with my brothers. Come to think of it, I don't think I realised I was actually a girl until I was about 11 years old.
  9. Subway is nasty! The meat tastes really rubbery. I do like their cookies though.
  10. Portion size is definitely a factor. I eat when I'm hungry, which is often, and I'm usually full after eating half of what's on my plate. My boyfriend, on the other hand, eats only when it's meal time and will devour everything that's on his plate (and my leftovers as well) regardless of whether he's hungry or not. He does a lot of excercise so it hasn't caught up with him, but I reckon he'll get chubby in his old age!
  11. I'm sorry too, I shouldn't get so worked up over a discussion. Truce!
  12. Quote: Originally posted by Creek Boy: Its shocking to see a family in america walkin in a mall, 4 of them side by side, taking up the entire walkway when easily 10-15 people could be walking in 2 directions. Its shocking to see somebody who's so big they have a hard time walking around....sloths. Oh my god, you make me so mad!
  13. I know I've mentioned this once before, but my father is quite overweight. Like your mum, he eats very healthily and excercises frequently, but is having trouble shifting the weight. Not long ago, I went for a jog with my dad along the beach. He was sweating profusely and must've looked completely buggered. A couple of asshole kids decided to yell out "Run fatass, run!" to my dad in front of everyone on the beach. I was so mad I wanted to go over and beat the living daylights out of them. My dad pretended he didn't care, but I know he was quite hurt and embarrassed by the incident. Now, he r
  14. But you wanted to hug them anyway, right?
  15. Love it. I'm going to use that in the future!
  16. Yeah not sure about that one... good luck to him though!
  17. As in, he's big, likes to swing, and is a dick? Or has a big swinging dick? Punctuation is important!
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