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Everything posted by ncorrenti

  1. Quote: Originally posted by Ocean11: > Things like wind/hydro/solar/hot rock power can't power cities alone I bet they can. Nobody has ever tried it fully hence the doubt, but with conservation of power and full use of renewables, you'd have a different but workable economy. The last energy review in the UK suggested that it was possible. Then Tony Bliar decided to have another energy review to meet the needs of the nuclear lobby. Ok, so the world's largest wind power plant (Texas, USA) only powers 7000 homes. We are going to need a crapload of wind power plants to have enough power
  2. Quote: Originally posted by SubZero: ... industrial accidents have far reaching implications for entire regions, and as for deaths incurred when compared to say the coal industry - well, radiation exposure has longer term affects, but I'm sure if you could account for all the deaths of workers in the Nuclear Energy and related industries (including those who work/reside near such facilities), you'd find a VERY scary set of statistics. Can you substantiate this claim? There have only been two major nuclear power generation accidents in history, those being Three Mile Island (no fatalities)
  3. Funny you should say that, I do the Elaine dance all the time! I'm quite good at it.
  4. Look, I am a huge advocate for sustainable energy. The problem is that sources such as wind power, wave energy, hot rocks, etc, are all located away from the grid, which means that a lot of energy is lost in distribution. So yeah, I agree with 011 that we need to look to solar technologies for individual homes. There have been huge improvements in solar technology in recent years, especially with photovoltaic cells like the Sliver cell. The Sliver cell is available commercially and is being used in high rise buildings and other large scale projects. Unfortunately - at this stage - the co
  5. I've taken my camera on ski trips in Australia, NZ, America and Japan. No probs at all in any temps. Having said that, I do keep mine in a padded case when I'm not actually taking pics, which might keep it warm.
  6. Quote: Originally posted by Ocean11: Electricity is more safely and efficiently stored in batteries than converted hydrogen. Therefore converting electricity from a renewable source to hydrogen is meaningless. A company called Hydrexia has developed a solid-state hydrogen storage method based on a magnesium alloy manufactured using low cost casting techniques. Snowglider: You raise some really good points. Wind power is getting cheaper and while I don't believe it has the capacity to solve the world's energy usage problems, I think it can be used effectively to create other sources of r
  7. No, it's not an energy source - but if the source of the electricity used to make the hydrogen came from a renewable source, it would make hydrogen cars a completely emission-free form of transport. Ethanol fuel blends, on the other hand, will still cause some emissions, yes?
  8. Ah hah! But you gotta remember, sugar cane is quite harsh on the environment as well. The crops suck all the nutrients out of the soil, so the farmers have to keep loading the land with fertilisers. The fertilisers then get into the local water tables and creeks and cause algal blooms.
  9. It took me awhile to get used to the humour in CYE... at first I thought it was crap. After I got through a few episodes I started to enjoy it.
  10. George's dad and Elaine. George's mum is also hilarious. "Geoooorgiieeeee!"
  11. 011: I believe Ford, Daimler-Chrysler, Toyota, Hyundai and Honda (and probably more) have all developed working hydrogen prototypes which are scheduled for release commercially - some this year in fact. Most of these manufacturers (and Mercedes Benz too) have F-Cell vehicles on the roads at the moment. I also heard that there are F-Cell taxi fleets being trialled in NYC.
  12. Why are they throwing money into so-called research when there are already hydrogen-powered and fuel cell vehicles available commercially? Sounds like he's just spurting more of his usual BS to appease the masses.
  13. You're right. I will be civil to him for her sake but as for us being 'mates', there really isn't much chance of that happening. I think most of all I am a bit disappointed in my friend. She's become one of those people who immediately ditches their friends the second they get a boyfriend. That shits me.
  14. I personally think that breast implants look atrocious. A friend of mine also got them (a 21st birthday present from her parents) and she says it's improved her self-esteem. I think that's kind of sad but hey, who am I to judge? Also, my mum has recently started getting collagen injections in her lips. I think it's silly and a complete waste of money because she is naturally very beautiful.
  15. Yeah, that part made me laugh. Yeah I guess I did go out a lot back then... seems like ages ago!
  16. Really? I've taken my digital camera to the snow many times and have never had this problem...
  17. I have to admit though, XXXX is gross. The only beer I like is Boags.
  18. You look like a mish-mash of Prince, Dave Navarro and the guy from Rocky Horror!!!
  19. Yeah so there are some things she said that I feel are quite bitchy and 'out of line' but at this point I'm inclined to just let it go. I'm starting to think I shouldn't have said anything in the first place.
  20. She said: ------------------------------------- Howdy Hope you're feeling better today..And I hope we are ok! I know that you - and the other girls- are just concerned which I appreciate but I am also a little annoyed that everyone has been discussing this 'behind my back'. But I know you all mean well so don't stress. Basically it comes down to this. Yes you knew **** for a lot longer than me but I like to think that I know him on a different level. When you knew him he was a doing a lot of partying (as you were) but he's completely different these days. As for him try
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