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Everything posted by nthart

  1. Gained 10 kg during my first 4 months in Asia, I think due to stress (culture shock, first full-time job ever, hating my boss/job). Am finally on a slow decline 16 months later...
  2. That is exactly the type of advice I need. Thank you so much!
  3. Is it normal to work Tuesday to Saturday instead of Monday to Friday? Should I steer clear of jobs that work Tuesday through Saturday?
  4. Thanks for the advice. Will expand search. Yes, I did meet Nicki and Jed! They were a riot! Anyone got the low down on English Tree, Smile English School, Pony English Club (where DO tey get these neames?), ACC or ECC english?
  5. Annyeong, I met a buncha people from Nagoya at the Hakuba Alps Backpackers over the winter vacation, who convinced me that life in Japan beats the shit outta life in South Korea. Silly me only got one email address, and she seems to be busy surfing all the time! Just joking, no hard feelings. Anwho, I'm looking for a teaching English job in Nagoya starting April 2006. Any openings? Advice? Contacts? Cheers nadia.hart@gmail.com
  6. Mr. Fonda Your post sounds exactly like the one I left 2 months ago! I'm teaching English in Korea too, and I'm heading to Hakuba (Nagano prefecture) during the winter holiday. I've heard good about Happo One and Goryu 47 (is that right?). Check out this website thoroughly, there's heaps of info.
  7. Lake Louise is my home in the winter! I have been all over the Canadian Rockies and Louise is my favorite. You can always rely on the conditions to be decent (not great, not terrible, but always ATLEAST dedent). There's lots of variety in the terrain. Big White and Fernie are great too, EXPECIALLY after a dump. Sunshine sucks! Also avoid Norquay, Fairmont and anything in the Kananaskis.
  8. Pip, I'm travelling alone to Hakuba the same time as you. I've been asking around about New Years parties and it seems as though this "Tracks" bar is a pretty good time. As a bonus, it's right near my hostel. Where you stayin?
  9. Just thought I'd let everyone who might still be reading this post, that my dad sent my snowboard. I was asking a lot of questions about where I can rent a decent one, or even buy one, but all my worries are behind me. Thanks for all the advice again. I'm countin down the days until ridin in Hakuba...
  10. Ya I'll be coming to Japan from South Korea, but I'm canadian. My dad always said "when you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME". Then he drew it out on a piece of paper even though I understood!
  11. Thanks Rigor Mortis, I'm staying at backpackers so it's good to know that there'll probably be something going on below. I'm a girl by the way...or do you call everyone bro? No offence taken. I call everyone "guy".
  12. Rigor Mortis, I'm travelling to Hakuba alone, and I'll be in Hakuba over New YEars, so if you hear anything please let me know. Otherwise I guess I'll just keep checking here. Cheers
  13. I read it on a message board somewhere. I was readin peoples' reviews of the ski hills there. I thought that rule seemed a bit out-dated.
  14. Question of the day: I have 2 maybe 3 kiing days in Hakuba. I'm a snowboarder who lives powder, tree trails, and a quick stint in the half-pipe. Which resort(s) should I check out? I heard only a small part of one of them is open to snowboarders.
  15. Ladies, I'm offering you a free place to crash if you come to Korea. I live in the small city of Masan, which is only 45 minutes away from Busan (the second biggest city in Korea) if you wanted to visit there. If you were hoping to stay in Seoul, well I'm 4 and a half hours away from that. Bottom line: my floor is always open to any guests, anytime. And thanks to all who have offered boards they got lying around. I've never personally rented a shitty board, but I've seen heeps of other people riding shitty rental boards. Like I said before, as long as it doesn't have step-ins
  16. Good to know. I'll think about it. Actually I probably won't decide until I get there and see what's available. Still, it's good to know.
  17. Fattwins Are you saying you have a 151 I could borrow? I'm sorry, I'm not sure what "bummed" means. I'm only 5 feet tall and like 115 pounds. I think a 143 to a 151 might be pushing it anyway...no?
  18. I ride a 143 and it's already bordering on "too small", so I won't push it with a 138, althouh thank you very much for the offer. I get the feeling renting a decent board shouldn't be a problem. Thank you for appeasing my paranoia-prone self. I'm coming on Dec.28 with hopes of ridin on the 29th and 30th for sure, maybe on the 31st too. I was just assuming there'd be enough snow by then. How much is a one day lift pass anyway? Do they have 2 or 3 days deals? Thanks to all of ya'll again. You've answered all the questions I had. Cheers! If you see a lone boarder chick riding in your a
  19. Karnidge What makes you say that? I'm only planning on spending one afternoon and one evening there. Too much?
  20. THanks yet again for all your input! I'll book a place today. Know any good/cheap places in Tokyo city?
  21. Fattwins, I just don't want to tote one around, but I suppose if I saw one for a decent price, I suppose I'd indulge. No suggestions on where to rent one then? That's alright. I'll figure it out. Also, there are 2 backpacker inns in Hakuba; snowbeds and hakuba alps backpackers. Which should I book at, or are they more or less the same? Is one closer to Tracks pub?
  22. I'm 100% female. Nads is short for Nadia (it's an unfortunate nickname I know...but one I've grown accustomed to). I've ridden most resorts in Alberta and BC. I love a lot of powder; the more the better as far as I'm concerned. Tree trails are great fun, and I've been spotted fooling around in the half pipe more than once.
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