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Everything posted by bushpig

  1. Yeah you have gotta be careful not to get it caught in the lift either...
  2. Maybe getting into the bushy areas is good with a woody too. But only if you can find a way thru...
  3. It makes it hard to get through the narrow spaces between the trees...
  4. Quote: Originally posted by Goemon: I've got a Woodie: Pure and simple. You like riding with a woody?
  5. hehe actually CBs was a much bigger hole that he fell further into, but it had a definite bottom with water flowing through it! Was a bitch getting him out too. VOTE DAMMIT!
  6. This CAN'T be allowed to fall off the end of the visible threads!! CB!
  7. Hey guys, CB is offline for a while while he is off with his school ski trip. We have gotta get the numbers up on the poll before he gets back! VOTE FOR CREEK BOY!!! BTW I'm confused about Sava. Is that NABFOATAB??
  8. nu-do I think you can work out for yourself (say it out loud and drop the final "o") gazo means pictures/images
  9. Daichi one more one more... Have a poke around on some of the buttons on these pages...
  10. I think I saw that somewhere online SerreChe. Nothin happened in Hakuba. I was just diggin at CB a bit that's all.
  11. yeah, was great for my first time out for the season. Even got to hit a few of the tree runs which aren't open all that often (not enough snow). That was the natural lighting. Up on top when I took those couple, the sun came out just for a brief few moments. Otherwise it was a pretty dark day. Pretty clear air, just heavy higher cloud cover. Could even see the Sea of Japan, but didn't get any good shots.
  12. That bites Dizzy! Damn, I dunno what I'd do without access at work!
  13. Well, I went up to Mizuho Highland today and it had more snow than I have seen there even in the middle of winter! Being a weekday there weren't too many around either which pretty much made it "my gelende" (to borrow a Japanese phrase).
  14. xxx, I know the guy! He is one of the ones I was ranting about in my post about the Japanese media. You used to see him quite a bit on "Koko ga hen da yo nihonjin" (was that last bit right??) He is quite right wing.
  15. Catching up with a mate I don't see too much this days. Having Chrissie dinner and a few bevvies with him, his wife and a few other mates of theirs.
  16. oh no... This thread could be going from interesting to very bad... Camel Toe Report...
  17. hahaha... I didn't say a thing! Nice one on the names fellas!!! Come on YAMA change iiiiiiit!
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