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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by sava

  1. what's cooking boys back in aus now (well, as of mon) - I hate night flights.
  2. There's a slow sign at Happo at skyline. They're pretty standard in NZ and Aus.
  3. Can be anything you want, skis (assuming you have that many) carpet samples pets etc. For me: Tea - I have about 50kg of the stuff. I used to have a small business importing it from China and still got a lot of unsold stock.
  4. I do it for the same reason I beat little cats, seals and when the mood takes me, puppies. I am an evil person incapable of love or being tidy (just ask FT). I want the world to suffer in the same way that I have due to reading mundane posts online for many years. For the lift ticket dodging: I want these people to go broke and to be homeless. If I can, when dodging ticket machine, I will also throw water onto the snow to melt it. This further reduces snow quality and destroys the local town's economy. I also drop snow on people from the lifts, particularly on the elde
  5. kuma: i need the stripper clothes that you can just pull off!
  6. CB: only if you're planning on taking it off again although, i got a real good porno moustache going trying to work out if i should keep it or shave it tonight
  7. still trying to work out if i should keep my porn star look for the party
  8. YOYOYO I AM AT HPL how's everyone going? it's good to be here, first couple of days have been ok, some new snow would be nice good to get away from the crap in aus though w00t w00t how's it going ?
  9. I give this post I want more posts that make other people who aren't me look stupid!
  10. nah I don't think it should be changed, especially as in the summer it's pretty general.
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