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Everything posted by keba

  1. That is hilarious... those guys at The Onion are the goods. I only hope some Creationists read this, and have some kind of epiphany.
  2. The only problem I ever had with Hotmail at the office wasn't anything to do with firewalls, it was that I had limited cookies, and forgot to make an exception for Hotmail. Next time you try and log in, check the bottom right corner of your browser for a privacy alert, and if it says that cookies were blocked, allow the Hotmail ones through. Hope that helps.
  3. No, if I finalise my DVD+R discs to DVD-V they play fine on other players, title menu and thumbnails as well. But if I didn't have a manual, it would have been just about impossible to work it out from the on-screen menus. My main beef is that even if you input widescreen digital video, via set-top box, it will still only record 4:3 picture to disc... who thinks up this stuff? It makes no sense to me.
  4. Filled up quicker than I thought, but I had recording mode set to high quality. Can fit 89 hours of regular quality recording (OK for analogue reception), up to 355 hours if you don't mind the pic looking a bit scratchy... I've transferred all the "Iron Chef" episodes to DVD, though.
  5. You get used to it Hokkaidough... at work I use a Dell with the old dull screen, and at home a Vaio... I also find the Bright Screen reflects a lot of light, and if you are on the move, that can be a difficult thing to control.
  6. BTW, mine's a Panasonic, with 200Gb hard drive as well
  7. bobby, it will handle it, and you'll get a better quality recording patching via digital HD TV than you will by plugging antenna directly into the recorder (which usually have analogue tuners), but unless you have a HD or Blu-Ray DVD recorder and media, you won't be able to record in HD. That make any sense?
  8. Not nearly enough, Soub... but I'll be arriving in Hakuba at the end of January, where there ought to be plenty.
  9. "Misery-sticks"... that's what I heard one guy calling telemark skis. Still wanna try it one day, though. Maybe next time it snows in Oz
  10. Dumping snow yes, but that only smoothes out the flats...
  11. Now that's being deliberately provocative, Toque. I'd agree though, BP, that the "New School" in skiing has given skiers a bit of a leg-up in the Cool dept. Especially in the park and pipe, I reckon the top skiers look so good, and there are a lot more variables available in the tricks with two planks intead of one. And landing switch looks much more impressive than fakie...
  12. Sorry, my mistake, Sony has "Clear Bright LCD"... close enough, I suppose.
  13. I think each manufacturer has their own proprietary name, but I'll bet they're all basically the same idea. I prefer the old screens, having used both, but Vaio only comes with shiny screen...
  14. I wasn't trying to start an argument, I'm cool with boarders, I just think that at least part of it's explosive rise in popularity must be because it's a bit easier to pick up, not just the cool factor. Fun is fun, and if no-one gets hurt, it's all good.
  15. 6 pages, and not one search result here for Haloumi... Cheeseman, could there be one cheese you don't enjoy? Or did I just spell it wrong?
  16. Sony's is "Clear Bright Screen". Not sure what the advantage is, but they are buggers to keep clean, fingerprints stay on real good...
  17. Bushpig, I know there are a lot of very skilful boarders out there (and I'm sure most of the guys here fit that description), but in my experience (in 10 years of purely skiing) is that there are a lot more beginner/intermediate boarders who are chopping up advanced terrain than skiers of similar skill levels, and they seem to get away with it better than a skier might. Therefore, my (possibly mistaken) viewpoint that boarding is easier to get proficient at... Or am I just a snob?
  18. Don't get discouraged, it's not as easy as boarding, and it takes time to master. Once you have, though, it's rewarding to know you have achieved something, something that someone who has never skied will never know. I have an advance health directive in place, stating that in the event of my wanting to take up snowboarding, that I be put down in a humane manner...
  19. Sorry, Soub, missed that previous thread... me bad
  20. Well just imagine what Paul's latest divorce settlement will be worth... I think we'll see a few more 'new' releases in the not-too-distant future...
  21. I certainly won't be one of the first to switch to Vista (unless my PC packs it in and I have no choice), I might wait for Vista SP2 before taking the plunge. MS has a pretty bad record with first release software...
  22. I usually find it comes back quickly, maybe a day taking it easy to get everything sorted. Haven't skiied for 18 months though (new baby), so this season might be different...
  23. FT, I think if you look carefully, his skis did touch the snow in a couple of places, but no, not skiing, really...
  24. Manju cake An oldie but a goodie... In fact, just about any steamed bun with whatever filling!
  25. I need Pro for networking at the office. If you don't need this, Home does everything else the same, as far as I know.
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