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Everything posted by Siren

  1. I stayed at the Prince Shinkan last time (because it was only three days) and the Bar was death. I was hoping someone could tell me where the action is.
  2. Ocean, no worries – I know you weren’t picking on me. This is not my strongest subject, nor am I an ‘education professional’, but bear with me. 1) I think we can all agree that education should at least equip us with the ability to analyse and solve a problem. What I disagree was that this ability can be taught in the absent of other knowledge – what we have been learning since kindergarten. The tip of the pyramid cannot exist without the building block of the foundation. The notions of research and problem solving are simple but the underlying concepts (e.g. quantitative vs qual
  3. I love it - the best place to bring my girlfriend and her class mates.
  4. Ocean, with great respect, I think you are on slippery slope here. With a few exception, I think most of the things you mentioned are taught - it is just not obvious as such. I agree that some curriculum (e.g. history and civil responsibility) are heavily influenced by a country education policy. Research and problem solving are the core thinking behind most post-graduate studies.
  5. Apparently some eminently sensible policies have fallen by the wayside one generation down.
  6. Siren's Passion Palace should not be the subject of this (or indeed any other) thread.
  7. I happen to like the dirty shag plus the next morning I may need to chew off my own arm to escape.
  8. I thought the 'hearty shag' comes before sleep!?!! Must have been doing it wrong all these years!
  9. You can get them in any drug store. I can't remember the name but it has the words 「二日酔」written outside (or drawing of a dizzy man).
  10. Really - keep me posted. (By the by have you got a business plan written up - if not I can help out in exchange for a few personalised stickers )
  11. Haha, Mitayak, thanks for spelling out what I was saying. For Blair, what a pity. Greater love hath no man than this, that he should lay down his career for helping others settling old family score. Needless to say, it is also a bit credulous to entertain for even a scintilla of moment that motivations for the invasion and reconstructions are purely altruistic i.e. 'to help'. Otherwise you will see the US (and its Willing Partners) invading or interferring in many African or Third-World (is it still politically correct to use this term?) countries to 'rescue' their brothers and
  12. Anyone knows if professional help is available e.g. personalised airbrushed graphic or stickers to jazz up your snowboard? Photos of cool stickers/deco on your board? Fattwins? (He is a skier?)
  13. I think Neversummer and Fattwins more or less summed up the view of most people. I am just surprised that advanced democratic/political systems like the US and UK (Blair seems to be in a bit of a fix with the inquiry) allow such a thing to happen and, worse, continue.
  14. How did you know!!?! I have been wearing them - you know - just to get used to them. My cats are absolutely fascinated. Wish you success in getting your 'quiver' together soon. Siren
  15. By the by, here is a pic of the Snow-Pro bindings http://snowpro.de/ (go to "products 2003", "hard step-in" and it is the one on the left). Catek's ones are also quite nice and slightly cheaper than Bomber's (not clear how much the shipping is though). http://www.catek.com/products.htm# The release mechanism for Snowpro is in the bindings, unlike Bomber or Catek where it is built in the heels
  16. That was the best part of Niseko - will definitely do that again this year. Just make sure that there are others around just in case or rent a walkie-talkie. It does look a bit scary in bad weather - you can't see a thing at all. Bring a can of 黒生 and enjoy a moment on the peak and don't rush it.
  17. Greetings Miltie/Ocean! Miltie - many thanks for the first-day tips. I will print out a copy of the message and bring with me on my first trip! I understand the theory of changing edge before the fall-line and have been trying to visualise the movement but it is still a scary thought. I have not detuned the board yet but will go out and get a soft stone next week or so - have to wax my freeride board too for the powder day. Ocean, The shop is called Himaraya (I might have said 'Minami' in my messages above). You can find the address in the webpage below: http://www.himara
  18. > > Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't > > mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt > > tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can > > be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is > > bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
  19. Wow!! Next time I am in Ishii Sports I will check if they stock this.
  20. Well, the question now is where to try it out. One more month to go. Wish you (and Ocean) luck in finding your gears soon. Bestest, Siren
  21. Agree with you - I am thinking of getting the Pro-tec Fullface as well. Giro Flint SC also looks cool but the price is double. Does a Wisdom sit well with Pro-tec?
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