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Everything posted by kintaro

  1. T.W. Harbor is my regular lunch place. I reccomend making a reservation for lunch.
  2. Yes, it was an expensive year! I started off by upgrading everything: Board, bindings, boots, goggles and even some wear (200,000). I got a season pass package for 4 resorts (35,000) and then I ended the season by breaking my leg and shelling out around 600,000 to the hospital. My wife's thinking I should find a new hobby...golf?
  3. Hakkoda is famous for it's unpredictable and bad weather. There's even a story/legend?? about some Japanese soldiers that were training up there and the weather got bad - they lost their way and died. My wife and her family all advised against going to Hakkoda but I think the mystery of not knowing only encouraged my buddy and I to give it a go. We drove 3-4 hours from Sendai. The first day we tried to go up the lift it was closed (high winds). The next day it was open for a short time but would soon close do to high winds and adverse weather - we had about a 30 minute window of opportun
  4. You mentioned Iwate. What'd you have in mind? I highly highly reccomend Hachimantai. I wouldn't go to Appi...unless the 8 of you are a big family. If you've got the bucks why not go to Hokkaido?
  5. boarder! I've never tried skiing. Anyone who's done both want to offer a comparison? I'm especially interested in short ski's. They look fun.
  6. If you are anywhere near Yamagata, check out Gassan from mid-May through July for some Spring/Summer riding. I went last year and it's a trip! The views from the top are incredible on a sunny day! Don't forget your sunblock though. I did and got fried. Anyway, if you're like me and want to prolong the season as long as possible, check it out, it's a lot of fun.
  7. A buddy and I went to Hakkoda in March and it was one of the strangest snowboarding experiences in my life. Anybody been there? Got a story?
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