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el diablo

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Everything posted by el diablo

  1. yeah right. . . i like spring conditions about as much as i like a 400 kg grizzly bear, fresh out of hibernation running at me full bore as i fly down the icy trails half out of control, half having to speed-check every turn so i don't skid right off the ice into a tree.
  2. i agree with barok. snowboarding is better in powder. makes it much easier to get away from all the damn grizzly bears. try ski-poling away from a 400 kg grizzly bear. good luck. . .
  3. I was a boarder, but I quit, because I got sick of losing all of my riding buddies and equipment to bloodthirsty grizzy bears enraged by jpop and not enough sleep.
  4. yeah it's like I've been saying - grizzlies. i've just about had enough after watching another friend getting mauled by a pack of bloodthirsty grizzlies. think you don't like jpop ? think about what it does to a grizzly's psyche. having to listen to that crap every single day when you are just trying to hibernate. no wonder they are tearing all over the mountains, eating everyone in sight.
  5. I think it's all the people bringing out their own food that is causing this Grizzly crisis we are experiencing.
  6. damn Grizzlies got yet another one of my boards yesterday. That's like the sixth one this season. Far worse than any park rails. chewed all to pieces, I'm afraid both board and bindings will have to be replaced. Now WHO needs that Head board ?
  7. go to Furano, there are mad Grizzlies at all the other Hokkaido resorts, and trust me you don't want to spend yet another vacation being chased down the hill at mach speed by a bunch of angry Grizzlies.
  8. Niseko would be fine in March if it weren't for all the damn Grizzlies. Damn bears come out of hibernation in late February and are always humgry. I've seen too many innocent skiers get eaten alive to advocate this kind of behavior. Remember: Spring conditions doesn't always just mean slushy snow.
  9. Yeah, anything to drive the damn Grizzly bears back into hibernation. Let it snow.
  10. I'll tell you, I don't think the reason that Wada is closing has anything to do with marketing. I think it's those damn Grizzly bears that they have let loose all over the damn mountain. If they marketed themselves as a natural resort, fine, whatever, I'm still not buying any tickets. If they marketed themselves as a natural resort where you don't get eaten alive by Grizzly bears, we'll then maybe I'd start riding here. 130m of sheer Grizzly-induced terror is not where I want to spend my vacation.
  11. All the grizzly bears that they let loose on the mountains. I don't know a single person who hasn't lost a friend, lover, or family member to these deplorable creatures. Japanese resort managers, Please stop releasing grizzly bears on to the mountain during peak hours. What started off as a humorous adventure has become a danger and a legitimate threat. Grizzly bears are great, don't get me wrong, but at a family resort, not a great idea to have them running around terrorizing people. Thanks.
  12. I just throw some bananas in the blender with some Vick's vapo rub and some hot sauce. That usually get's me through the evening just fine.
  13. no senor, no machine or artificial bumps. the only help a run will get to create moguls is from the resort's ski instructors, ski patrollers, employees gathering together, and hitting the same run over and over, all turning in the same spots, same lines, over and over for a few hours, carving out the moguls. also no grooming, as mentioned before. you could keeel moguls with a snowcat, but you can also let them live without one.
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