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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by batty

  1. Try explaining all that to someone who has nothing to do with Japan!
  2. I think they all went on a trip to London at the end. And then missed the flight! It would have helped if they had logged off before they did that though. Shucks!
  3. I hate it when if you don't eat bread in a few days it goes smelly and then gets green bits on it. And then you have to throw it away.
  4. Until what time can I use this greeting?
  5. From what time can I use this greeting?
  6. ? Mine is "Hello, I have blue eyes". Works every time.
  7. Can someone explain these 2 terms to me please?
  8. I had a curry last night, so I'm planning on tonight! Let's doing it!
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