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Everything posted by MistaSparkle

  1. how does that tom petty song go? "yea I'm freeeeee..... freeeee ballin!"
  2. I'm pretty freaked about the whole thing... The ish is gonna hit the fan in less than 2 days, but I think the only good thing that could come out of this would be that american people get so fed up with their government hitting rockbottom moral lows that it'll stir fundamental change. (im always an optimist but.... there's always a chance)
  3. Its the real deal. It's a pretty famous infamous screen grab actually.
  4. Awe... look at how nicely everyone used to play together (if its too blurry to see: thats Rumsfeld shaking hands with his good buddy Saddam)
  5. heh... i read about that dixie chicks thing... apparently there's some of the same type of thing going on in hollywood with sean penn, martin sheen, etc.... it seems McCarthyism was too long ago to remember....
  6. Quote: Don't confuse the patriotism shown by average Americans, as also being support for the President and his planned course of action. They do not necessarily go hand in hand. Most patriotism displayed by Americans is visible support for American troops who are in harms way at the moment. I hear what you're saying. Although there is certainly a difference between supporting troops and showing patriotism, they manifest in the same way and serve the same end.... I dont think it's constructive for people to wave flags and show support for a government that doesn't excersise the will of its con
  7. Patriotism is a blindfold. It's what allowed the US government to get as far as they've gotten with their totally transparent drive for war. It's what allowed Germany and Japan do what they did in WW2. We all live in the same world, and what goes around comes around.
  8. ocean - While there are probably more "crude renderings" than good ones out there, there are lots of highly skilled and experienced tatoo artists that can get photographically precise. Japanese tatoo artists (working by hand or by machine) have a really beautiful style and look to their work that can be super intricate and detailed.
  9. Yea... neither my pants or my jacket get wet on the inside due to that layer of gortex, but the problem is that once they get wet, they tend to be cold and feel heavier. That, and the stank factor are reasons why I want to find a good outer-material waterproofer.
  10. EnderZ... where are you on this thread buddy?
  11. I already saw this in a blog someplace. It's a photoshop hoax. ....I would've noticed that trend by now if it was real.
  12. The outer part of my pants, and jacket have gotten wet since the first time I washed them. They dearly need a wash now... Any recommendations for protective spray for before or after the wash? (something that can be bought in japan)
  13. I've heard japanese friends call tricks off a kicker or park jump, "wan me-ku" (one make). "Yo I saw this dude pull a nasty 'make' in the park this weekend" gross!
  14. Even though my damp gear sat in my board bag for a week and I had to hose everything down with deodorant so that I wouldn't gag after I put on my stuff, I think db still beats me in the stank department. zwelgs - "unfamiliar MAN smell"?? Perhaps you mean the scent of spring breeze coming off my sweater? "man zone" eh? ...i've never heard that joke before... it's just so funny and original.
  15. I must say I was pretty blown away watching a guy who said a few weeks earlier that he "didn't like having his board leave the ground", pull off two backflips in a row! The landing on the 1st one was a bit off, but he stuck the second one solid. Way to go dude!! EnderZ- that was a mere nibble... you gotta munch a much bigger chunk of leather to satisfy that bet....
  16. I have no idea what you're talking about db... I smelled like flowers.....
  17. db... you get a cap busted in your ass(arse) for putting hip hop in the same boat as country music. Country music makes my ears bleed. Thank god that superstar disaster Garth Brooks retired. 1 less whiney cowboy to suffer from.
  18. I think Japanese for busy people is a good starters series(not too overwhelming), but man... that series is just retarded. It's supposed to be geared for people living in japan, but they don't equip you with simple, and useful everyday grammer when you need it. It seems like they devote whole chapters late in the series to grammar that should have been taught in the 1st book. Very frustrating.... i'm gonna check out those Yookoso books though... Anyone had success coming from an intermediate level with any other books?
  19. Well I kinda thought you guys were talking about japanese girls with naturally messed up teeth. I can see why people aren't into that... but I think it's cute as hell. Fake vampire teeth? bleh... go hang out in Yoyogi park on a sunday afternoon, and you'll see plenty of that...
  20. I think Tama-chan is a lame PR stunt by the district that it showed up in (Nishi Ku?) to promote local tourism. I wouldn't be surprised if they hired some fisherman to go out and catch a seal for "relocation" in local waters. ...sorry... just naturally cynical about stuff like that.
  21. It seems every "real" skier I know outwardly hates funskiers for their inability to ride pow or big mountain stuff.... but those things are everywhere at japanese resorts. I've seen people do some pretty cool stuff in parks with them tho.
  22. EnderZ - You know what she's talkin about.... 6-pack. That briefcase could give any chick a run for her money in grooming accesories.
  23. While HK flicks are horribly formulaic with terrible acting, and are poorly produced, they have the best fight scene choreography. One thing that kinda freaks me out tho is that HK movies that have western characters, the westerners are ALWAYS the bad guy. Even in Jacky Chan/Jet Li flicks. Those guys have a huge following in the states, but their recent movies still portray westerners as evil whitey.
  24. Danz just sent me this link yesterday for Hero. Watch the trailer, it looks sooooo dope. ....and Zhang Yiyi is my future wife.... although she's gotta divorce that crusty old chinese businessman I heard she married first. Whats better than a hot chick that can kick your ass..... *sigh*
  25. TANK COMMANDERS UNITE! All naysayers will fall victim to the Tank Attacktm!
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