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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by SnowJapan.Com#2

  1. Hi Weegeoff We've tried logging in using your username and password, and it seems to be working fine. If you still have problems please send us an email at editor@snowjapan.com with more details and we'll try to help. Thanks.
  2. And 3 more from our friend Shimba: http://www.snowjapan.com/e/gallery/index-vids-shimba.html
  3. Hi there. We'd like to collect some useful info about the users of the Forums and have put this Poll together. Please take a minute or two to take part! Many thanks!
  4. Don't reply, but if you ever get any via the Private Message system on these here forums, please do let us know so we can ban that bad user. Thanks!
  5. 3 new vid clips for you this morning: One from Shimba: http://www.snowjapan.com/e/gallery/index-vids-shimba.html and two from bouse: http://www.snowjapan.com/e/gallery/index-vids-bouse.html Thanks!
  6. We thought this event might be of interest to people, Tri Modal Challenge in Hakuba on 9th/10th April. For details, check out this page: http://www.evergreen-outdoors.com/Tri-ModalChallenge.htm
  7. One thing we've noticed from comments on the questionnaires (thank you!) is that some people are interested in us getting some 'SnowJapan.Com gear' going - things that have been suggested include t-shirts, stickers, beenies, mousepads, etc. It's an interesting idea and one that we'd like to look into. But we have no experience of making this kind of thing, and don't really know how much interest there would be, etc, etc... and so we thought we'd open up the discussion on here and see what everyone thought. Any ideas? Pop them down here! Or if you don't want to do that, send us a
  8. 4 more vid clips are now online, sent in by Sven (thanks!): http://www.snowjapan.com/e/gallery/index-vids-sven.html
  9. We've just sent out emails to the winners in this one - as time is running out, check your email and if you've won let us know and we'll get the ticket sent out asap. Lots of people in this giveaway did not specify Kandatsu or Geihoku and so had zero chance of winning - silly! (We did ask you to specify which resort in the form on the Giveaway page....) Also, when you send us your postal address, please tell us you full, complete, correct postal address. A few people this season for some reason have not done this and the ticket has eventually been sent back to us as undeliverable.
  10. mogski - really sorry for the delay there! It was ready, we just hadn't linked up for some reason. Sorry! Here we go: http://www.snowjapan.com/e/gallery/index-vids-mogski.html Svens will be going up on Friday (when we get the server technical work we're doing finished up). Thanks.
  11. SNOW JAPAN GIVEAWAY This weeks Snow Japan Giveaway is now online. This time we have 10 lift tickets to give away courtesy of GALA Yuzawa Resort in Niigata Prefecture . TO ENTER THE GIVEAWAY AND FULL DETAILS: http://www.snowjapan.com/e/insider/special.php As always, please only enter this Giveaway if you feel that you will be able to take advantage of the prize if you win. TO ENTER: http://www.snowjapan.com/e/insider/special.php (Please no
  12. SNOW JAPAN GIVEAWAY This weeks Snow Japan Giveaway is now online. This time we have 10 lift tickets to give away courtesy of GALA Yuzawa Resort in Niigata Prefecture . TO ENTER THE GIVEAWAY AND FULL DETAILS: http://www.snowjapan.com/e/insider/special.php As always, please only enter this Giveaway if you feel that you will be able to take advantage of the prize if you win. TO ENTER: http://www.snowjapan.com/e/insider/special.php (Please no
  13. If you won and send us your details, you should have that by now. (If you haven't, please email us directly about this [ie not on the forums] - preferably using the same email thread containing the info we sent on) Thanks
  14. Will do. ------------ Just to publicly reply to a (pretty rude) email we got just before. We don't think it jusifies a response, but just want to make the point clear: We are not showing bias to any resort(s). We would be more than happy to do interviews with ANY resort in Japan if the management at resorts were interested and what they had to say was worthwhile. We have in the past approached other resorts who have either refused to be interviewed or declined once they saw the questions (!) If anyone knows of management at any resort that might be interested in talking
  15. We should have an interview (conducted a few weeks ago) with one of the managing partners of Pine Ridge up online tonight. We will continue to try and get other resorts to communicate as well (- something that is harder than you might think.... or maybe not! )
  16. 3 new vid clips sent in by Fattwins have been uploaded: http://www.snowjapan.com/e/gallery/index-vids-fattwins.html
  17. Two new clips from Fattwins added: http://www.snowjapan.com/e/gallery/index-vids-fattwins.html
  18. A new vid clip sent in by Shimba is now online: http://www.snowjapan.com/e/gallery/index-vids-shimba.html
  19. Sorry if you can't see them, not sure why that would be. Like we said before, we aren't editing these vids at all - we're just uploading them as they have been sent in to us.
  20. Please keep them 5000 bytes or less in size (the smaller the better). Thanks!
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