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Everything posted by Plucky

  1. Wow db, just found this reply! I think your reply was a bit more harsh than my original statement. I was only kidding. Got your goat though, didn't it?? I guess the sarcasm wasn't thick enough. Again, just kidding. I do have friends that board, ski and do those little short ski things. It's all good. We all do have a good time. As I said, we are sliders, one way or the other. Sorry to upset you and I hope you had a great time at Hakkoda! Please do get back to me sometime at my email. I'm not as big a dick as you may think. I gotta lay off the sarcasasm on here I guess.
  2. db and danz - keep in touch on the Niseko trip. I would love to go there! I could probably get a couple others to go also. No doubt it is better than Hakkoda, but I work with what I have here. Tomorrow is going to be another epic day at Hakkoda - it is dumping in Misawa right now! I just went out to get my dog and there was 3 inches of new snow on the ground! It fell in all of one hour. Too bad I have to work tomoorrow. Hopefully they'll close the base down for plowing duties. I can only wish....
  3. 1100 yen per ride or 4900 yen for 5. Expensive, but worth it. You won't take more than 5 trips in a day.
  4. Danz, we all like different things I thought Saturday was very good. But Friday, oh Friday, when you can see the mountain from town, you know it is good. I hope you had a great time. One of the reasons I like Hakkoda so much is because it's one of the only resorts in Japan that just lets you lose. No ducking ropes, no going out of bounds - you just ski where you want to. I invite you to come back up here in the spring It may be a 7 hour drive, but it is worth it! You didn't see the backside to Sukyau did you? Did you ski the Tower?? There is so much more out there. To the public
  5. Unfortunately, huckster, you need a damn helmet. Do it once, shame on me. Do it twice, shame on you... That's not the saying, but applies here. You da retard! haha! How's the neck feeling????
  6. sorry kamoshika, I was a bit drunk last night and my fingers get squirrley (sp?) after a carton of sake. To explain - I'm a board member of a ski club, skied hakkoda, we had a party afterwards, and....no excuse. Sorry, didn't mean to be a dick and hijack the thread from its original intent. The best Powder days I've had have actually been here in Japan. No, for real. I've hit two incredible days last year that I will never forget. But for the record, the interior of continents will usually have the drier, better powder. I'd say if you were planning a trip, central Europe or 'gasp'
  7. The answer - DON'T GROOM! I know there is a need for groomed runs, but I think the Japanese Resorts take it to the extreme. I have been to a few resorts (shizukuishi, shimokura, amihari, appi, etc..) where they groom almost everything. Unacceptable! They need to leave a few of the steeper runs untouched. There is nothing sadder than seeing a snowcat going up a run during a dump of powder. Ocean, I've seen them winch up (appi) just to groom a run. Sad, sad, sad...
  8. My parents wouldn't let me ski - too dangerous! They thought I would get hurt and ruin my basketball scholarships to college. The joke was on them - I got a scholarship for rugby! A little more violent than skiing. So I didn't start until I was 18 yrs old. BUT, I had one of the best small mountains on the west coast only 25 minutes away and skied 80+ times a year for 3 years straight. When 50% of the runs are true blacks, you learn quick! I've now been skiing for 8 years (I'm 28, but I can't count my two years in Hawaii - Mauna Kea never got enough snow to go). As for your Sig -
  9. db, email me the next weekend you will be up there (if you will be - atwoodn@hotmail.com). Be fun to hang out with someone from the board in that region. I know the weather can be harsh up there, but my friends and I always have a good time! I wish I could have made it Friday. I heard it was great! I was just happy to finally hit a day at Hakkoda WITHOUT 4 feet of powder! Sounds weird, but it's the first time it's happened. We were able to get 6 runs in which was nice for a change. The whole mountain was like one big terrain park. The visibility thing is just something you
  10. We're not as all rich as you...I've only been to BC, Austria, US, and Japan. You rich ass. jeeeeeeeesshhhhhhhhh. Come ski with us someday??? Please??? You sheep fookers blow!! For real, do you surf??? I got wetsuits.....and boards.
  11. db, that makes no sense. I like it though. I was the one in the yellow jacket. db, you and danz were at Hakkoda today???? Which round eyes were you? I'd love to meet you guys up here!
  12. I had to re-read that - you want to talk about best climate - and then give examples? Your attributes included only dry and fluffy. gonna have to be No Alaska and WAY No Japan (summer). The alps would be next, the front range of the rockies (so Utah) interior Canada, Patagonia, Middle Russia, and then maybe Lake Tahoe during the spring. No. Oregon and Wa also rank up there - they get over 700" a year. Check Mt Hood out too. Not as much snow, but a shitty snowfield with salt on it that will kill your metal edges. Hawaii rocks too! Mauna Loa! Try it!
  13. I'm a retard, I meant optional, and clicked mandadtory. I'm the Gordee How of skiing! I gotta bike helmet!
  14. I'm very sorry to hear this. I've taken a lot of chances in my life, as have my friends and been lucky. I realy do weep for them. May they rest in peace.
  15. Big dump the day before, temps warmed up but not above freezing, had some incredible hard-pack snow down both the forest and direct route. Plenty of soft pow in the trees of piste. The stuff was incredible! Plenty of good hits for both skiers and boarders and it was an all-around great time! Best thing I've seen all season - my bud Dave actually skied UP a tree! No, not some quarter pipe shit, actually skied up a tree, launched, landed it. Coolest thing I've seen in awhile. It was a good day! Try to get up here if you can.
  16. I hate you skiers always talking shit! You ****s! Us boarders rule! Actually, we spread our legs and just take it. Most boarders are bigtime pussies. Let me.....uhhhhhhh...........that feels good!
  17. at Hakkoda, I actually ski, but there is nothing like taking a dumper on a board. or a boarders head. Screw you Huckster. Just **** off!
  18. What's your prob dude?? I board cause it makes me feel sexy.. I love to feel sexy
  19. snow japan guide...you guys do a great job! I take no offense to you spelling Hakkoda wrong. Shit happens. Just do it right next time Just kidding. You guys rock for even having this site going. I have to get to you in March so I can do the surf site!
  20. you SOB! you suck balls! Quit running in to JN's you fag! Just kidding of course. Hakkoda is going to rock!
  21. Calm down Never. Most of what I say is in good fun. This, by the way, is an internet message board. We, by the way, are people who slide down mountains on sticks and boards. So yes, I'm going to have my fun with it. It's a fact - most of the boarders out there suck. Hell, most of the skiers out there suck. Let me play the antagonist and you can be Mr. Nice guy. Frankly, I don't give a rip. Good for you that you have been doing it for so long. You may be able to keep up with me. But that is not the issue. The issue is going out and having fun. I post here to try and stir things up.
  22. don't worry jared. nobody here can handle it. They won't be coming. If they do, good luck and I hope to meet you. Get in touch with me anytime and I will guide you there. Bring your snow shoes! Jared, where you at?
  23. Sorry, not drunk, just spouting the truth. If there were any skiers left, I could probably say the same thing. Fact is, 85% of the people out there are boarders. All I have to say is - Get the F*ck out of my way! Goddam they are clueless. I have the utmost respect for good boarders. I love to go out with them and they love to go out with me. We have fun. But there are so many Johny-come-lately's that it is hard to ignore. There needs to be a Japan-wide institutionalized 'how to behave on the slopes' class. They board as bad as they drive. If you disagree, you must be a b
  24. I've heard about traffic down there from my surfing buddies. Nasty, I know. But in Japan, you are considered a 'professinal driver' and if someone hits you, it's your fault too. That is BS in my opinion. When a guy blames you for hitting him, even though he was behind you while you were following a snow plow, get back to me. How does that happen? Oh, he saw a Y plate. I love Japan, but right now, I have no respect for them I'm so pissed. And America is sue happy? This bastard wanted to blame us for him running in to us. We were three very big guys and did the right thing by being pol
  25. Have you ever heard of Hakkoda? They spell it wrong on this site. I'm gonna say 95% of the people on here live down south around Tokyo. If you want some really good skiing/boarding, come up north. The areas around Morioka are pretty good. I won't reveal my favorite since I don't want crowds, but you are really missing out if you don't check Hakkoda out. Just as much snow as Niseko, don't have to pay for the tunnel crossing, and it will make you better or you will die. If you like backcountry, if you like pushing the extremes, if you like the chance of 'maybe I won't make it back', give
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