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Everything posted by fukdane

  1. I don't like it. I wish I did...
  2. db is the runaway kind of the last few months isn't he?
  3. I'm not like you though Ocean11, that's just not my style. As they say in the textbooks, "we are different".
  4. Good for you. I am jealous, and feel badly done to.
  5. Cheeseman? You been out riding yet? Skier or boarder? I can't remember if you told us these things.
  6. Well I've got my appointment - next Friday. So if I it when I go to the office, it will be like 4 weeks total. PS I have been careful to be very polite and not lose my temper with the authorities without fail on this - perhaps that's where I'm going wrong
  7. Quote: argh the joys of Japan You're taking it with far more humor than I am. I suppose you being able to get to the place that does it may help. It's basically a full day off work for me getting there and back, so if I am not 100% OK on mine, I will be more than furious.
  8. OK, 9 days without being able to drive. 9 days since I send off for the "translation" of my driving license. The "translation" came today. As expected, it is a piece of paper that surely could have been done in 10 minutes (by myself). Simply my home address, name, and numbers from my overseas license. That took 9 days, right. Then we telephone the license center where I have to go. It's 150km away from where I live. They aren't taking reservations on a Saturday, but say that it is "very busy" and it might take time to get an appointment. The person on the phone "guessed at"
  9. Not long enough to be trused to drive right now. (Sorry, it's my pet peev right now and something that is causing a lot of stress for me).
  10. JAF! They are the scoundrels doing my drivers licence "translation". PS.
  11. What's it like then? When I can start driving again ( ) I'm thinking of heading over to the Hakvalley for a few days
  12. Well it seems that you must tell that to CNN and TechTV who were reporting this new product last week. I saw it too. It seems these major organisations are wrong and of course you are correct.
  13. Oh, ok then, you told me right there didn't you mate. OK - to everyone who lives out of the same precinct as Indosnm, when you go to the police make sure that you move to Indosnms area first and you'll be OK!!!
  14. Danz, you have it worse than me - I have a UK driving license and so it's "quite simple" for me - I don't have to actually take a driving test, seems you do. Are you screwed too right now? Can't drive now? I am really mad at this today, suddenly the next few weeks has transformed into a nightmare. Wouldn't you think they'd give you a "goodwill" period so you can get your J licence. And before that, TELL YOU ABOUT THE NEW LAW somehow.
  15. I've got to send 3000 yen and a copy of my license. It will take a week and we can ONLY get it done there (apparently). In the meantime I am pretty much screwed for 2 weeks not being able to drive.
  16. And I've just found out that it will be at least 2 weeks before I can drive again (it takes 7-10 days to get my licence translated by the "official source") and then at least a week to get an "appointment".
  17. Well after my incident the other day I went to the police today. They were very friendly, telling me I must go to the licence center about 150km away. Oh yes, and I couldn't drive home. I had to get a 2000 yen double-driver taxi ride home, and I can't use my car now until I get my Japanese license - which could take "however long". Not happy. But I recommend people who havent already seen to this frustrating issue to get on it asap.
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