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Everything posted by fukdane

  1. One day in the future, we'll probably know exactly what happened and is currently happening.
  2. I saw one being delivered to a new house recently actually. It did indeed seem to come in panels with things sticking out of them and the bath seperately. Couldn't see what was going on inside of course.
  3. How many golf balls do big golf ranges have. And how do they collect them, and how often?
  4. Jobless couple who claim £27,000 a year benefits want a new council house because they've had SIX children 'by accident' while living in a one-bedroom flat Maggie Flisher and husband Gavin have not worked since first baby in 2005 Mrs Flisher says she is 'super-fertile' - which makes contraception fail She says she has begged her doctor for sterilisation but is too young They say the council has ignored their demands for a new home for 8 years
  5. Kiroro: 6 Niseko Annupuri: 6 Niseko Grand Hirafu: 9 (+) Niseko Hanazono: 4 Niseko Village: 2 (-) Rusutsu: 8
  6. It will be interesting to hear how that goes with such a big list of things to buy. 'Kakaku' is pretty much girigiri in terms of costings for a business and so I doubt you will get that but you might get close with added insurance, delivery and installation kind of stuff added in.
  7. Correct. Seperates can get very expensive very quickly!
  8. I don't think I have ever listened to a "podcast".
  9. I have well over 500. Probably closer to 1000.
  10. These ones new are over 200,000 yen for the pair
  11. Would be really great if they could do that. With Alts Bandai's recent history of spending money though (ie. not doing any of it at all whatsoever, and doing lots of cutting back), I can't see it happening unless there's some big change in outlook.
  12. I get thrown when a strong local accent gets pushed into the mix that's for sure.
  13. I think people get numbed to compressed lower quality sound with dynamics squeezed out of it, and start to believe it sounds good. I did. Listening to this is such a whirlwind of fresh air.
  14. No, not a DVD player. ---- After four years in the wilderness, Sony is back with an incredible new flagship CD/SACD player, the SCDXA5400ES. It bristles with technology, much of which is new, or new at least, to Sony. At first glance, it's a dead ringer for Sony's previous SACD player, the SCD-XA9000ES. From the front they look practically identical, although the control functions have been shuffled around. The display is broadly similar, however, and the loading drawer and physical construction are closely related. The new model shares the 9000's superbly engineered smooth-r
  15. And a defrag, and turn it off and on. computers frustrate me no end.
  16. Wow. Just...wow. An audiophile friend was selling a CD-SACD player for a cant-say-no price. This one It's about 120000 yen if you buy it new, and thats without the speakers! Anyway, I took the opportunity and I can't believe how good my music sounds. Never had a quality CD player before, and recently getting used to crappy mp3 type sounds. This sounds just incredible, blown away by it. I'm totally rediscovering my music collection, and having a ton of fun doing it. I doubt I'll be able to listen to my iPod again!
  17. It was actually in Skyfall. The boat ride approaching it.
  18. Ne. Talk about a gathering of nerdy stereotype otaku types.
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