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Everything posted by DumbStick

  1. Settling in now snowdude? We are in the process of moving stuff in. A few things still going on so not quite there yet.
  2. I was surprised how a 55" can easily be moved about by one guy.
  3. It'll be next year before you enjoy the benefits of less humidity won't it. Hope you like the cold winter! (Sure you do) Bought some toilet paper now.
  4. Definitely. Wasn't too keen on the aroma coming from one of the K's Denki guy's feet, but a few hours of open window and cleaning of floors will sweep those memories away.
  5. Crane work and Ks work done. Best part of 4 hours it took! Crane guy was here for about 1.5hr, and had come from 1 hour drive away. So that's best part of 4 hours of his and machines time. No wonder it's not just a few thousand yen. In the end they craned in the fridge (which looks massive!), TV and washing machine.
  6. Congrats. We are another week or so. Funny story. Needed to christen the toilet this morning when I was there moving a few things in. Only realized that we have absolutely no to let paper yet in the house only when I actually needed it. BUT, fancy gizmo laden toilet to the rescue! It cleaned my bottom impeccably. That was quite fun actually.
  7. I like that too. An annoying sales person doesn't help. K's guy has been very good. Panic guessing about the crane cost aside. So I'll let him off!
  8. They did arrange delivery. Delivery has always been free and never an issue. And they were right down to the bone on my price point as well, I managed to carve huge chunks out of their original pricing. They did great on price, actually beating the cheapest on rakuten for a few things, including long term insurance. Absolutely no complaints there.
  9. Well, I suppose all I can say is very well done! Oh hold on... we're just typing words here aren't we, not actually doing it.
  10. Well, Chriselle, it's easy to say that. And I'm sure she is great at deals. I am pretty handy at getting deals myself. But in this particular case, the crane is a completely different company from K's Denki. They're not going to do it for the laughs just to help me get my fridge into my house.
  11. I wonder if you can actually buy chocolate teapots. I'd like one, if it were made from finest Belgian chocolate.
  12. OK actually met the crane guy today. Seems K's guy was just causing an unnecessary fuss really. Just the one price, no added for extra 'items'. He said they usually 'arigatai' if there is extra cost for +1s, but this time not needed. K's guy might have warned him! Still not cheap, but no other way to get the things in. Phew!
  13. That's actually what I thought of doing. Knowing the scewed up 'logic' that sometimes goes on, I can actually see them happily doing that though! But seriously, I have been prepared for the cost of the crane from the beginning. But not double cost for 2 items. Oh no. I'm not going to budge on that, it's just ridiculous. How long will it take for them to bring up one more item? 5 minutes? I'll let you know how it goes.
  14. Gathering quotes now. One in last night is 80,000 yen per year - full cover for pretty much everything. (I think).
  15. Gaijin too! On now! These programs are usually fun.
  16. I thought I'd make this a new topic. Time to decide on insurance for house. Very little experience. Any thoughts and experiences? Want to be covered for pretty much everything, earthquakes etc.
  17. I wanted to check that place out actually, love the images you send on from there muikabochi. Sounds like a weekend is the best time but you get the crowds then.
  18. Listen to this for bullshit. K's Denki going to deliver a big fridge and tv. Need crane. Crane is seperate company. They need to come beforehand to check the place, even though I provided very very clear photos of the approach road, our house both outside and inside. Apparently they want to charge me DOUBLE for there being two items to bring into the house. Double as in the same amount that it would cost for them to come two completely seperate times. We're not talking a few thousand yen here, more like a few man yen. I was told "this is the way it is done in Japan". (Proceeded
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