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Everything posted by cheeseman

  1. People should really be mentioning the cost of cheese as well in here....
  2. Hi cheesefans. It's time for Cheeseman's Cheese of the Week. Cypress Grove Chevre Vegetarian, fresh, hard cheese made from goat's milk in California. It is a cheese of various shapes and sizes. This cheese is uses as a table cheese, in salads and sauces, for grilling and baking. Cypress Grove Chevre was introduced by Mary Keehn and her daughter Malorie. It has a light, mouse-like acidity and herbaceous finish. When aged, the cheese develops a white penicillin mould that forms a shell. Then the herbaceous character becomes more strong and the mushroom aroma of the rind penetrates the
  3. Hi Cheesefans, it's time for Cheeseman's Cheese of the Week. Carre de l'Est This cheese has a moist rind that sticks to the fingers and feels elastic. It usually has a square shape with either an orange-red, washed rind or a penicillin mould crust. The pç©°e is very soft and unpressed. The cheese ripens in cellars. Each cheese is turned and washed by hand to spread the colorful bacteria over the cheese. It has a smoky-bacon flavor and the taste has a hint of mushrooms. Affinage takes three to four months.
  4. Nice photo, but can you please upload it to SJ and tag as "cheese at resorts"? Thanks!
  5. Hi Cheesefans. It's time for Cheeseman's Cheese of the Week. Lets go to the middle east this time Jibneh Arabieh Jibneh Arabieh is a simple cheese found all over the Middle East. It is particularly popular in Egypt and the Arabian Gulf area. The cheese has an open texture and a mild taste. The heritage of the product started with Bedouins, using goat or sheep milk, however current practice is to use cow's milk to make the cheese. Jibneh Arabieh is used for cooking, or simply as a table cheese.
  6. Thanks muikabochi. Good photos. Look forward to a cheese-featured one next time.
  7. I can't recall if I posted this, but, --- CHEESE! Not only is it delicious and nutritional, but also fun to eat.
  8. You must try to remember! I have gone in and tagged my photos. So remember, folks, when you upload your "Cheese at Resorts" photos, tag them as "cheese at resorts".
  9. Wonderful! [i was just looking at mine and noticed that some of them were not tagged....so I will make sure that is changed when I get back (away at the moment)]
  10. That's good. But can you please upload it to SnowJapan tagging it as 'cheese at resorts' please? That's the only way they will be together! I will make that note in the first post. Thanks.
  11. That would be fabulous DJElo. Upload the pics to SJ, then link them in on my Cheeseman's "Cheese at Resorts" thread here: http://www.snowjapanforums.com/ubbthread...t_Resorts_.html
  12. Hi folks, it's time for Cheeseman's Cheese of the Week. As my parents are now in Italy enjoying the cheeses over there, I thought it should be the turn of Italy. Hmmm, hard and salty. Romano One of the oldest Italian cheeses. It is made by a special method, known as "rummaging curd" or draining the curd quickly after molding, then piercing the surfaces slightly before salt is applied. In Europe, Roman is known by its original name Pecorino-Romano. The cheese has a fat content of 27 per cent and water content of 32 per cent.
  13. Please do start a natto thread. This is the Cheeseman's "Cheese at Resorts" Gallery thread. I will hopefully get one or two new photos this week.
  14. Resorts need to take more care of Cheesefans. I've been saying it for years now.
  15. Originally Posted By: keba Keep up the good work on the pics. Post some of your own keba - with cheese, of course. Feel free to post in my Cheese at Resorts gallery.
  16. Hi Cheesefans. Just wanted to let you know that my next Cheese Photo session will most likely be at Sugadaira next week.
  17. Yes I think you should take a selection and put some thought into what cheese goes with which scene. I look forward to your pictures!
  18. Remember to have cheese on the menu at the receptions. Not only is it delicious and nutritious, but also fun for all!
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