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Everything posted by nagoid

  1. Just found this on the web. Looks like we have Prodigy Chemical Brothers Pet Shop Boys Gomez etc ...lined up. http://www.fujirockfestival.com/ Are there no more big names coming this year?
  2. Just found this old post from last year. Is there a Fuji rock again this year??
  3. a day up in hakuba at happo in late january just after a big dump. it was awesome.
  4. WOnder how much a resprt makes per day in season? Would be interesting to know
  5. Anyone know what resorts do to keep the snow on the runs less likely to melt than surrounding non-resort snow? Do they put loads of chemicals on there or something? Kind of interested to know.
  6. Hmm. Must be more than 15 now, maybe 20. Not enough by far. Winter is tooo fast.
  7. Well, in the case of you ducking ropes when you shouldnt - isnt that your responsibility, as the resort has said this is an out of bounds area. You just doing what the hell you want with no respect for the rules, whatever they are. (Not a personal dig, danz, just wanting to understand this a bit more- it seems so simple to me) Am I missing something????
  8. Just out of interest, and after reading the very readable debate on backcountry (see double standards thread), I have a question to the people who say that much more of this ungroomed paradise should be opened up. Here goes! If these ungroomed paradises were opened up, then wouldn't they lose all of their appeal with hundreds of boarders and skiers running over them time and time again, damaging the untouched quality? Anyone?
  9. I'm new here so sorry if this is a repeat, but where is everyone from? Seems to be a lot of people use this, looks fun. I'm from Dorset in the UK, now in southern Nagano-ken.
  10. I live in the very southern part of the ken - still have to drive to resorts, but a great place to live anyway.
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