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Everything posted by gorilla

  1. And a Merry Christmas to all of you out there too. Off to Hakuba TOMORROW! Yay!
  2. Yeah get your point. Did you get my point? Well here it is again - you would have thought that GALA would be far busier on Christmas Day than it actually is. Bye
  3. Trust Ocean11 to comment like that. Yes I know it is not a holiday, but it is also not an ordinary weekday. It is Christmas Day, the day after Christmas Eve when many young Japanese take time out with their "loved ones" and do romantic things. One activity that has been popular on CEve/CDay has been skiing and boarding. It is surprising that GALA is so garagara (empty) on a day like today. That was the point of the observation, don't take IT SO SERIOUSLY! "If you can go, why don't you".... Well, I would, but I have to work today. Simply commenting that those empty slopes ar
  4. I have just been using the GALA webcam thing (in the webcam section of this site). I was amazed to see that there were no queues whatsoever and hardly anyone on the slopes. What's going on? This is Christmas Day?!! (Maybe not the biggest hol in Japan, but still Christmas Day!). Are the so few people venturing out this season? Sorry, just a bit shocked - was expecting miles of queues up there. Makes me want to go there now!
  5. I was up in Ishiuchi Maruyama (across from you) and also had a good day - first of the season - but wasnt that impressed with the resort. Seemed a bit Shinjuku-y to me - difficult to explain. Prefer Maiko myself.
  6. What about utada hikaru? She at least has some talent and writes her own (decent) songs. The biggest qualm I have with JPOP is the fact that just Skunk or whatever his name is (Tsunku) and about 1 more bloke writes the whole lot!
  7. Yeah and check the webcam section of the site too - there are 3 or 4 webcams in Hakuba on there.....should help ya!
  8. An important topic I am sure you agree. Is it the Musumes? Is it Ayumi? Is it the "K" Kids? We shall see......
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