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Everything posted by SerreChe

  1. I agree, still a good start. I always thought of an interactive game where you see a mountain face, given previous weather conditions etc and then have to pick your line up and down on that face. If you make a mistake you trigger an avie. Would be fun and educative. How have you been anyway Sanno, have not seen you on the forums in a while. still moving around? Roaming the slopes in Europe?
  2. For those in a mood for starting an avalanche without being in harm's way, here's a little link that allows you to do that. Which type of conditions will create the most destructive power? The little house in the prairy is about to getted walloped ! http://science.nationalgeographic.com/sc...ml?nav=FEATURES Have a go. Some other avie stuff there as well. Enjoy!
  3. Everest has become a giant rubbish bin. You'd think otherwise coming from mountaineers. Ego before nature.
  4. Yes, he pushed too hard unfortunately, and paid the ultimate price. His family lost another son in an avalanche. Sad.
  5. I saw the vid when he crashed. He hit this patch of blue ice which looked like a 50 degree ice rink that had just been zambonied and off he went. 3! I hope they are not pushing the little one just for the sake of being in the record books. That would be sad for the kid. I am surprised they would not let her do it. I do not think there is a law against it, unless maybe reckless endangerement or something like it...?
  6. Found this old thread on SJ where among other things we talk about Marco, and relish the sick pics! http://www.snowjapanforums.com/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/83627/fpart/6
  7. I thought Marco had died trying to board down everest and his body was never found. I must be mixed up with somebody else. I will search on that.
  8. fyi, I got a warning on spyware related to that site.
  9. Some of the all-time touchy topics on this forum: * Was Steve Erwin a great man ? * Was Evil Knievel a great man ? * Is everything in Niseko including the beer flat ? * Which is better, Hakuba or Niseko ? * Who is faster in powder, a snowboarder or a skier with fat skis ?
  10. I did not realize he actually straight-lined it at the beginning with a parachute before wiping out as he lost an edge on ice. He is another one of these guys tempting faith. If he keeps on going the odds will catch up to him eventually unless he is very lucky. It will be another one of those "he died doing what he loved"... Other have tried to snowboard down everest and have never made it (RIP). Has it been done yet?
  11. It will be snowing tom & sunday. No snow tyres & no chains = they wil not let you through. They filter the highway at a service area before the snow gets heavy. Your only chance is to shink it. Maybe forget about this w/e for snow. Go to yellow hat instead & you will get your snow tyres same day. Then you'll be able to enjoy next w/e fully equiped.
  12. That sucks. Highly irritating as well. I sometimes have dreams of a reality tv show where you put hidden cameras to catch people doing this kind of stuff. You then hang 'em by the balls & skin 'em alive (slowly).
  13. Although overseas-based news, still topical for Japan. 2 men (skiers) died after falling-off a cliff: They took a wrong turn in bad weather and ended-up in a zone for which they had neither the skills nor the equipment. They were found by a mountain guide and his client who were using the same route (but were equipped accordingly). They are still un-identified (one in is 20s the other in his 40s). 1 man (surfer, beginner, diabetic) barely survived after getting lost and being stuck above a cliff overnight. He crossed-over from les 2 alpes with 2 friends and proceeded down one o
  14. ahah, trying to take pics of a white hare on snow is nearly impossible. I have tried many times as well. By the time you get the camera out, the little devil has already hopped away. If by luck you get a snapshot of it, it wil be white on white and won't be able to see a thing. I guess it is like trying to take a picture of lightning ! You probably need to be camouflaged for hours with camera at the ready. Kamoshikas are a lot easier! Anybody on SJ with a good hare picture in winter?
  15. For those driving back from resorts today, it is going to be a nightmare unfortunately...
  16. Mamabear's story sucks, although I am glad she's ok. I can only imagine the kind of guy that took her out. Was probably getting pissed drunk in the evening bragging about it too. It is unfortunate that some areas of the world have a larger minority of nooobzs than others. Too bad they are attracted to places like Niseko as well. Another of the many examples that do not really make me want to go there anytime soon. As usual, it is unfortunate for those that end-up painted with the same brush.
  17. I like the animal tracks. Hard to get a shot w/o some of these.
  18. The guy who almost gets ran over is a cop as well...
  19. I missed the action if I may say before the thread went into Stunts ambidextrous capabilities. Nothing comes close to boarding in powder, although I have never tried FTs 100s+ underfoot type skis. I also have more control in trees with deep pow on my board than on skis. It is a lot quicker and responsive as well. I think my skis are 88 underfoot which is not too shabby, but it was hard work in deep pow. Outside of powder, skis rule in my own view.
  20. Tsonda, tele always looked odd to me, but I've never tried so cannot judge. It seems very popular with the local bc buffs. Tubby, been a while since we've stoked the old Boading vs. Skiing fire on the forums! The Niseko vs Hakuba fire has grabbed all the attention as of late.
  21. One thing I have to admit though is that skiing is a lot more physically demanding than snowboarding in powder at least. I had to catch my breath once in a while whereas when I am boarding powder I feel I could ride non-stop. You should give skiing a try Tsonda. It is more fun than boarding in spring as well.
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