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Everything posted by juliescotthansen

  1. Hi! I am wondering if there are any good hiking possibilities in Niseko? Is there any point in bringing skins for my skis, or is there mostly bootpacking? And if I'm there for three weeks, skiing everyday, is it best to get a three week pass or a 50-hour pass (if I'm planning to do lots of backcountry skiing)? All help is appreciated!
  2. Well definately a lot of good tips on 'how not to slip on the ice and break your tailbone'. More posts about that than things to do i Niseko. Really, don't take it all that seriously.
  3. I'll be patient I promise! I just sent them today, but I sent one last week, that hasn't gotten any response yet. I hope somethings still available, if not I'll have to go hunting for a new roomie (guy) everynight! I guess the rumor will spread quickly... juust kidding Thanks for your help!
  4. John Mayer 'Who Says' 'Who says I can't get stoned, plan a trip to Japan alone?...'
  5. I just used the online contact-form here on SJ to contact maybe 30 places, is this reliable? Can I count on getting many answers?
  6. I like the turnout of this thread; from 'what to do in Niseko', to 'how to survive your stay in niseko'...
  7. Ok, I guess that's not the way to go then! Does anyone have a room to rent out for three weeks though? To a very nice norwegian girl who loves to ski! I'll be in Niseko from dec. 30th until jan. 21st. Or does anyone know of any nice, cheap hostels where people who are just after good skiing/boarding stay?
  8. Hey! I'm coming from Norway to go skiing in Niseko for 3 weeks (arr. Dec. 30th) and I need a place to stay! I read something about rider houses, but can't find any information about it, can anyone help me out?
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