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I recieved that pic about 30 times in a week (a few weeks back)

At first i thought it was a fake image but definately not a shark...


classic photo but... If it was in clear water it would be worth buying!

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Ocean, beat me to it!

at first people thought it was just one shark, its actually 2 sharks if it the Attack thats on the surfermag site


surfers can be killed by sharks

boarders & skiiers by bears. has there been and fatalities caused by bears?

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You need to go to Google and look at their info on how to search. Being able to find stuff easily is a necessary skill these days, and it's really not difficult.


Fattwins, that link you had took me to a vid that wouldn't open properly that nevertheless displayed the name 'surfermag.com'. I just typed that in, went to their site, and searched for 'shark attack'.


Similarly with the original photo - in Google search for 'Kurt Jones +shark', or something similar.


Frame your search terms with what you know and what you want to find - most people don't actually ask what they want to know.

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