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I went to the beach for fireworks the other night, some people went off the beach with sea kayak. They were watching the fireworks on the sea. It looked very fun! And another day, they were surfing! It is very interesting. I want to try it.

But kayaking in the river is very rough, isn't it?

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the weekend of october 4 and 5th. My buddy knows a great rafting company there. went last year and the guides are great. the best japanese guides in japan. mont bell has good ones too but they are mostly gaijin imports. so im quoting the local talent. ill get the name tonite and post it on here around 11 oclock. we will hit the harder parts of te yoshino river I think. Ill be spending the next month really training hard.

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I've never done any serious white-water stuff. Being a scaredy-cat trill-seeker, I keep thinking I'll hit my head on a rock or something!

Make sure you have a good helmet and as for training in preparation, work hard on your abs and upper body. You'll probably find your strong thighs from lots of skiing will be almost useless to you (except if you have to traverse a stretch of land).

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first ocean or anyone here is the good rafting co in shikoku. http://homepage2.nifty.com/msj/kayak/osusume/rafting/rafting.htm


As for a brain bucket i gots a nice silver one. I n kayaking you usally onyl flip over in deep water. If you can touch a rock with your paddle its almost impossible to flip over. when you flip over you put your helmut forward and get the paddle in front.


as for training I use the heaviest damm kayak so humping that thing around is a workout in its self.. my wifes is a good 5 kilos less than mine. my kayak is stable in the whitewater it doesnt like freestyle though. the course we did last week was about 10 km. great course for mid level paddlers. the one drop section was pretty tough so I humped my wifes kayak around it.

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I can see them Fatman. Nice pics! I have never tried kayaking but have wanted to get into it for a long while. How difficult is it? And what is the difference between the kayak that your wife and the other guy in yellow is in, and your kayak?

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mine is a creek boat very stable. my wifes is a cross between a creek boat and a freestlye boat. hers is for lighter paddlers. my buddies use freestlye boats. when first starting out creek boats are good but limiting. you cant play in the holes the same way as the freestlye boats.


as for difficulty hard question. the roll is hard. once you learn it you have to then be able to do it in whitewater which is scarier. usally you panic and cant do it. I think I finally have the roll down.


first time out you will go in circles. you have to learn to balance your paddling. ie push instead of pull on the paddle. boats can be found on yahoo auction for a good price.


next week hozukyo

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That looks great. Kayaks sure have changed a lot in the last few years. They look like Ottoman slippers now.


I think your red boat looks better for humping though, if I was into that sort of thing. What decided you to get a creek boat?

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