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Interesting case with the Quaker college kid who caused a massive panic with his act of civil disobedience by planting craft knifes (sorry they are not boxcutters where I come from, they are craft knifes) and bleach and plasticine mock bombs on several US airliners.

here is a link


I hope they dont charge him as he fessed up totally and was highlighting the pathetic inadequacy of US airports, strip searching grannies and confiscating tweezers while letting dudes with weapons on planes. I am glad this was a pacifist kid and not

some radical fundamentalist arab who got away with this stunt.

I hope it causes the Aviation authorities to get their "sh*t into one sock" so to speak.


We know where the vulnerabilities are and we are testing them," said Deputy TSA Administrator Stephen McHale. "This does not help."
you are damn right it dont help it, makes you look like an incompetent fool. You got caught with your pants down.
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I was watching the TV news last night and it seems they are charging this kid...unbelievable.


There was a sound-bite of a righteous suited federal prosecutor blaring out something like "it doesn't matter what the motivation or background was, this person committed a CRIME"...


It's enough to make one puke with disgust.


I would have thought the head of the affected agency would have come forth to explain to an outraged public how this person could so easily get these prohibited items onto the plane when security checks are so incredibly invasive, annoying and time consuming. What, are we just wasting our time with these frustrating procedures?


I would have thought the agency would be in big trouble, would apologize, would be subject to some kind of investigation and would propose some serious steps to fix this kind of problem, or else admit that it may be impossible to make the skyways safe.


But maybe their pigheaded incompetent arrogant respose is the best thing after all. Now we see what part of the problem is--they are hypocritical, arrogant idiots out of touch with reality and the public.


Looks like another festering boil that needs to be lanced.


Arrest and charge this kid?! Unbelievable.


I hope the media and the public rips this one to shreds, but I don't hold out any hopes. The "Establishment"--whatever that is--consistently manages to squelch stories whenever it really needs to, and the public somehow seems to prefer being deluded.


Like with the Jessica Lynch story, the staged pulling-down of the Saddam statue, the fact that a lot of Americans still think Saddam was good buddies with Bin Ladin, etc.


Oh well.

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Poor sod! The guy does the world a favour and this is the way you get treated.


Gotta agree with badmigs on this one, the people responsible for it have really taken the wrong angle.

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