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Just reading the Reagan thread and all the news at the moment, just wondering what the Brits here - and everyone else - thought of Ronnies good buddy, Maggie Thatcher.


She seemed to be either loved or hated. I'm interested to hear more, looking back.

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I said I see no joy

I see only sorrow

I see no chance of your bright new tomorrow

So stand down Margaret!

Stand down please!

Stand down Margaret!


It would have been curtains after one term had it not been for the Falklands War. She also got a big boost from the press pillorying Michael Foot, a very intelligent man, for his appearance and anti-nuclear stance.

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Morrissey apparently didn't like her. A bit harsh I think.






The kind people

Have a wonderful dream

Margaret on the guillotine

Cause people like you

Make me feel so tired

When will you die ?

When will you die ?

When will you die ?

When will you die ?

When will you die ?


And people like you

Make me feel so old inside

Please die


And kind people

Do not shelter this dream

Make it real

Make the dream real

Make the dream real

Make it real

Make the dream real

Make it real

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I occasionally worked as a waiter for a party design company I worked for in London. At one big event, which used the Natural History Museum as a venue, I got to serve Thatchers table. The old fossil was sitting with a skeletal looking Elle Mcpherson and a bunch of corporate types. The fantasy of stabbing her in the back of the neck crossed my mind I must admit eek.gif . She looked very much like a cheerful granny and will probably last for a while yet. Elle, by contrast, seemed on edge and was closely tailed by her security guy when she got up to go to the dunny-paranoid.

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Britain was in the right royal crapper when she came along, with rampant inflation, strikes, the country was at a standstill. The unions controlled labour, so labour could do nothing as working class Britain sat on their collective arses and held the country to ransom.


The seesaw of power was firmly seated to the left, with the weight of union on the far left, and labour middle left, nothing was going to budge.


In drops Thatcher, with the weight of the rest of the country behind her, on the other side of the seesaw, way the other side, jettisoning the left right out of the game. Not only did she destroy their organisations, but also their industry base, moving the country away from working class endeavours so as to preclude the return of the menacing unions.


So she was a great destroyer, but not such a good builder. Their she sat, on the far right of the seesaw, creating the antithesis of what she had destroyed. Luckily, she was removed by her own, and a semblence of balance now found.


I personally think she was needed to re-dress the balance of power in Britain at the time, but, yes, on all other counts a nationalist nutter who stayed too long.


Her more recent mutterings really do paint her as the narrow-minded, bigoted fascist she really was.

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Mozzer likes to cause the odd bit of controversy. Latest from NME:




MORRISSEY is at the centre of controversy after allegedly wishing the death of US President GEORGE W BUSH..


According to the Manchester Evening News newspaper, the star announced from the stage at Dublin Castle in Ireland the news that Ronald Reagan had died. After the announcement he reportedly said he壇 rather it had been George W Bush.


A spokesman said: "We do not have a recording of the gig, but as far as we can tell, Morrissey was just alerting the audience to the fact that Ronald Reagan had died. He then simply followed that up with his comment about George Bush, which was his own opinion. He is no stranger to controversy."



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