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I was educated that if I wrote post cards, letters with letter in red, it means something like 'I would like to break off with you'. So I have never written any post cards, letters with a red pen.

Probably this is just a Japan domestic manner? Because sometimes I get some post cards, letters with red letter from abroad.


And I have been confused if 'letter' is singler, it means characters like ABCDE..... and if 'letter' is used as plural (letterS), it means documents in an envelop... right??? sorry for a silly basic question but have been confused with this problem for more than 30 years since I started learning English, hard to explain why. \:\(

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Originally posted by montoya:
btw we can use the plural for both. eg "what are the letters in this word?" and "where are my letters?"
Probably this is what has confused me,
so both singler and plural 'letter(s)' could mean both, RIGHT? clap.gif
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it could mean both, but _usually_ it refers to letters we put in envelopes. just depends on the context.


eg you're a stock trader, want to look up Disney stock: "hey, what are the letters for Disney?" ("DIS", btw)

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plural letterS could mean both, but usually it means letters we put in envelops.

Singler letter always mean characters like ABCD..


Thanks montoya, I think the only way for me is just to get used to it!

Practice practice!


Gonna go to an onsen to warm my waists \:\(

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To answer your initial question:


The word 'letter' is probably a corruption of its original meaning. These corruptions occur frequently in the English language.


'Letter' usually refers to one of the characters in the alphabet; since 'letters' are used in writing, it is also a colloquialism for a written correspondence.


In pure form, a message sent via the post should be called a correspondence, but this is old-fashioned so most people just call a postal message a 'letter'!


Today however, the word 'letter' defines two areas - the characters in the alphabet, AND, a precise type of correspondence, namely a postal correspondence, as opposed to a fax, email, sms, etc.


(The term 'red-letter day' originates with the tradition of marking holy days in a church calendar in red. The term now designates days of special significance - holidays, anniversaries, days with memorable things attached.) wave.gif

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No but seriously, if you get some red letters or letter or whatever from abroad, dont worry about it unless its a death threat or the like. I myself have only slightly heard of this red letter concept, in fact it was in this very thread, but not in the US. ;\)

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Back from an onsen!


Montoya - pm-ed you, just check it \:\)


Subzero - what an academick description, do you think I can get it???? lol too busy to see my dico (dictionary \:\) ! but thanks.


Wendy - hehehe, hope not :0


Sakitumi - yeah,I just wondered why some of my customers have sent me letters in red lol.... wondered if I did anything wrong to them \:\(

Probably they just don't know we say that.

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