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Just had a bizarre evening, rode my mamachari to the movie theatre and saw "Constantine" and was riding my bike home thinking about death and demons etc and I happened on a train accident.

Suicide perhaps but someone was hit by a train on the single track local line near my house. I was one of the first people on the scene. It was surreal to see the body lying there, I wasnt shocked or repulsed I just felt nothing.

Within minutes 3 Ambulances and a plethora of cops arrived there must have been 25 cops, firefighters and ambo's scrambling around and no-one seemed to be taking charge. Most of them were standing around the body mesmerised. The flashlights they had to search the area were rather inadequate.

The train was stopped 75 mins down the track and all the barriers and bells of the many small crossings along the line were down so no one could move and the police were admonishing people who tried to duck the barriers and continue their journey...."abunai"


I wonder if it were a suicide, train suicides are such selfish way to go, the train driver has to live with it, and the there's mess you leave behind.

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The very same thing happened to me 'glider. It was a pretty heavy scene and the emergency workers were also running around like chickens with their heads cut off. A real mess and the driver looked devastated. A very selfish act.

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Nasty stuff. I hope I never have to see anything like that.

If its late at night it might be accident rather than suicide. Awhile back on my local track someone died cos they were drunk and were trying to get across the crossing.

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