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Is an ipod on shuffle truly random?

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Every time I start a new shuffle, it always SEEMS to be weighted towards certain artists regardless of there being 50 or 200 songs by them. Perhaps I'm just imagining it - does the same happen for other people when listening on "random"?

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You are by no means imagining it Ms veronica. While I have absolutly no knowledge of the inner workings of the ipod, I can confirm your suspicions of the non-randomness of the shuffle mode. The frequency with which certain songs are played, or the order, etc defies the laws of probability. In fact, I've had this same drunken conversation with numerous friends in the past. But the big questions remains, "WHY"?

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It's possibly a random number generator which uses a "pseudo-random" number as seed to the algorithm. Because of the limited number of seeds, the randomness is ordinary.

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Many claim to still see patterns as iTunes rambles through their music collection, but the majority of these patterns are simply multiple songs from the same artist. Think of it this way: If you have 2000 songs and 40 of them are from the same artist, there is always a 2% chance of hearing them next with random play. So right after one of their songs finishes, odds show a 50% chance they will play again within the next 35 songs and a 64% chance they will be played again within the next 50 songs.

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Originally Posted By: JA
It's possibly a random number generator which uses a "pseudo-random" number as seed to the algorithm. Because of the limited number of seeds, the randomness is ordinary.

"pseudo-random", algorithm, seeds??? confused

Surely there must be a more interesting explaination that appeals to us conspiricy theoristist. Something to do with mind control perhaps.....
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