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(Aust.) Hot Water Rebate - New Efficient HWS

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Aust. Govt. financial rebates for new energy efficient Hot Water Systems has come into effect in the last year or 2 with significant monetary amounts making certain new HWS' apparently worthwhile.




I have heard that the new "Heat Pump" systems are worth considering in most areas of Australia (but thier efficiency and capabilities are suspected to struggle in cold and very southern climates?)


Have seen a Price for the Dux Airoheat (250 litre) Heat Pump HWS at: $3670, whilst the total rebate applicable in our area (Newcastle NSW) is: $3600 (Renewable Energy Certificates: $1200 + NSW Rebate: $800 + Federal Rebate: $1600).


Presumably there is an installation fee and if this is not too big, then apparently the changeover from the standard electric HWS to one of these new ones can work out saving the household significant money in terms of electricity bills in the coming years thereafter.

(As the electric HWS is one of the biggest electricity usage devices in the average home?)


I'm concerned that these Dux Airoheat Heat Pump HWS may only supply water that is relatively luke warm, or at a lower pressure, or not as reliable and hot hot water as the current system - haven't heard this mind you, haven't heard that they supply good pressure hot hot water either though.


I have heard good things about the Quantum Domestic 270 litre (model 270-11AC3-134) Heat Pump HWS, which seems to retail around $3400 or so.

(2 yrs warranty refrigeration & electrical circuits, 5 yrs warranty water storage tank).


Thoughts or experiences?

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This is off topic boys, so if whole canned chicken can get a start then so too hot water systems.


Ssar- I have recently installed an evacuated tube solar system and I just recieved my last rebate cheque.

Thoughts- Heat pump systems are good, easy to instal and more efficient than a standard hot water storage system (just about anything is). I cant see how a heat pump system can compete with solar for efficiency though when it runs a high current 1500 watt compressor for many hours of the day. My solar runs a 15 watt pump to circulate the water through the collector. (not on cloudy days though.)

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