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so in one of my 8th grade english classes today we ended up getting off topic and onto gay marriage and if it is ok or not, and if states/the govt/churches should have the power to make them illegal.


One of my boys says "why does the church care so much? Like, why do the gays care so much about what a church says anyways? Why dont they make their own church where gays can get married and make straight marriages illegal?" (I tried to write just as he said it)


I realize its not that simple as there are more factors involved, but I thought his idea was brilliant and wanted to share it.


What do you think?

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Originally Posted By: Proud C5 owner
I like gays as long as they don't mince near me. More totty for me.

I just wish that some would stop blabbering on about their gayness as if it is the only defining thing about them. I don't do the same about my sexuality.

God I hate this attitude! So bloody what if you they do 'mince' near you C5 do you then hate them? As long as they're out of sight then you'll be big enough to accept them? I'm guessing it's never occurred to you that it's ridiculous attitudes like yours that makes gay people have to struggle their whole lives for mainstream acceptance and why their sexuality is very defining for them. What a wanker...
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I dislike some of your opinions as voiced in other threads on here. But you are welcome to them, even though it seems you bring out that hate word yourself quite easily.


So bloody what if you they do 'mince' near you C5 do you then hate them? As long as they're out of sight then you'll be big enough to accept them?


No. I did not mean literally.

Actually, one of my good friends here in Japan is gay, though he's not of the mincing kind and his sexuality is not how he defines every asppect of his life.

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So ok you have a gay friend. Let me ask this, if you went out and he met his boyfriend and they started kissing in front of you, would you be offended? Do you think it's any different to a hetero couple kissing?

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I agree that the church has NO RIGHT whatsoever to stick its nose in. This isn't limited to the idea of gay marriage either, I think its terrible that the church has so much influence in the education of our children (via catholic schools). I have come into conflict directly with the churches antiquarian ways while working as a Youth Worker in a high school back home. The church (and this goes for all religions) should only preach only to those who make a conscious choice to follow that religion by attending Mass (or the relevant service to each religion). Stop trying to convert the masses, this simply causes divides and is the source of a lot of conflict.


How should gay people not have the same rights as a hetero couple? They are both adults, working and paying their taxes, living in a way that is perfectly comfortable and natural to them....whats so wrong?


I personally think that religion is the root of all evil, causing more problems than it purports to solve and if it weren't for my live and let live philosophy, I'd love to abolish all religion!


phew...rant over!!

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Back to the ORIGINAL topic - I just love the way kids cut through the crap and state the bloody obvious. LOVE IT. Thanks for sharing CB - gave me a warm smile to read his comment.



As for the spin off argument - live and let live and lets get over it ... the quicker we suck it up and accept open difference the quicker the more extreme and frustrated members of minority groups will have nothing left to demonstrate about, and there will be less 'in your face' OTT display.


I personally have no problem if a same sex couple wanna have a little public pash, but I might feel uncomfortable (especially if my kids were around) if there were a mini gay pride demonstration with all the leather and cutouts going on in front of me. But I would find that uncomfortable if the participants were hetero too.

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Hey, creek boy, you guys are on it !

The church is just another business and political establishment that wants to assert its power in the name of god.

Sure, you can create your own church so anyone with like minded people can get together in true worship of the higher powers that is bestowed upon us.

For example, Bahai temple is a good one. Any denomination can go there...

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Originally Posted By: Tubby Beaver
I agree that the church has NO RIGHT whatsoever to stick its nose in. This isn't limited to the idea of gay marriage either, I think its terrible that the church has so much influence in the education of our children (via catholic schools). I have come into conflict directly with the churches antiquarian ways while working as a Youth Worker in a high school back home. The church (and this goes for all religions) should only preach only to those who make a conscious choice to follow that religion by attending Mass (or the relevant service to each religion). Stop trying to convert the masses, this simply causes divides and is the source of a lot of conflict.

How should gay people not have the same rights as a hetero couple? They are both adults, working and paying their taxes, living in a way that is perfectly comfortable and natural to them....whats so wrong?

I personally think that religion is the root of all evil, causing more problems than it purports to solve and if it weren't for my live and let live philosophy, I'd love to abolish all religion!

phew...rant over!!


Good one TB! Please, by all means, RANT AWAY!

In The States, even though there is this "freedom of religion" written into the Constitution, it has become fairly evident in recent years (especially after the previous conservative administration) that what the people who penned this meant was "freedom to choose which Christian denomination". The USA (and I'm guessing a lot of other Western countries) was founded with underlying Christian ideas written into its structure, so even if there is the ideal of religious freedom, the church somehow feels that it has more legitimacy over non-Christian faiths.

Not sure if this is the case in Oz or The UK...

What do you mean I can't get "Buddhist" in the religion field on my Army dog tags? I have to put "none" instead?

There was a recent referendum in Hawaii where the State Senate was debating passing a resolution to make same-sex civil unions legal (so they can get teh same tax, retirement, etc. benefits as opposite-sex couples), and piles of church groups came out of the woodwork to protest this saying that it "threatened" their institution of marriage, and didn't want schools to start "teaching little kids about gay lifestyles".
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ROFL @ Koko


I sort of understand the churches view on church sanctioned marriages and keeping them for the traditional hetereo monogomous 'in the eyes of the Lord' union.


But as far as civil unions and legal rights to be entitled to be next of kin, or legal beneficiary of life insurance and things like that - no brainer - nothing to do with the church! IMHO FWIW.

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I think one of the most interesting things about my school is that the kids are from all over the world, from Germany to China, Indonesia to Scotland, US to Australia, so the viewpoints of what they bring to class are as varied as their first languages (or second, third, fourth). Makes for a fantastic environment...now as long as there are no monster parents!!!

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Originally Posted By: kokodoko
I hate them Buddhists with their orange robes and bald heads.

And when they kiss in public, yuk...

whats wrong with bald heads??!! wink

In Scotland, religion is a very sticky topic. Not as loaded as in N.Ireland but almost as bad, especially in the West of Scotland. There is an old joke in Scotland that goes like this.......

2 thugs are walking down the road and stop a man.....
1st thug: Are you Catholic or protestant?
Man: I'm a Muslim,

retorts the man.....both Thugs look at each other with quizzical looks then the 2nd thug says...

2nd Thug: aye, but are you a Catholic Muslim or a protestant muslim?

So basically its considered that if you aren't Catholic, then you are a protestant, regardless of which faith (if any) that you believe in.
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