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Yellow/green & red/yellow stickers on cars

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My dad is 72 and still drives. When I'm a passenger I can see the difference from say 10, 20 years ago. He is of course much older now and his response times are very different, he can't quite turn round and look over his shoulder, stuff like that. He is a decent driver I think and he wants to continue, but I fear how long he could.


Are there any compulsory tests when you get to a certain age?

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Oz, being an amalgam of states, has an amazing variety of regulations.


In NSW, there is compulsory licence testing at 80. That involves a knowledge test as well as a driving test.


Trouble with the knowledge test is that there are questions where the answer is 25 metres, and if you put 30 m as your answer it is "wrong", get too many wrong and you fail, get any of the "important" ones wrong and you fail.


When I did my original licence test, the answers were in feet, and I didn't bother rememberimg them once I'd got my licence. Now, with the metric conversion, the distamnces mean nothing to me. Simple fact is that the distances are all signed now anyway, so basically, you stop/park wherever the signs say you can!


Eye test (very rudimentary) is mandatory at every renewal, here.

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