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Having spent a couple days this season in Yuzawa, I was impressed by the actual village/town feel to it. Unlike some of the other ski towns I visited this year it actually felt like a place people lived first and foremost with an abundance of ski hills around as opposed to the opposite. I was wondering if that is in fact the truth. Being that I would usually leave early evening on the shink back to Tokyo, I am basing my opinion on what I could see as opposed to anything I actually experienced. Can any peeps who live there (or thereabouts) either confirm or deny that Yuzawa has a bit going on after the ski hills close down?

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Of course I like the region - I live here!


But realistically, apart from onsen and the surroundings, there is not much going on actually once the snow disappears, it is quite quiet. That's what I think anyhow. It can be extremely quiet (almost dead!) out of holiday periods - probably because of the fact that there really isn't a big year-round population to the town.


The surroundings, while of course very nice, perhaps aren't as beautiful/striking as say Hakuba or Shiga Kogen. There aren't as many organised things going on either - I think you'll find a lot more things going on in other more well known summer destinations. As with in the ski season it wins points by being close, but there are many more places worth visiting when there's no snow more than Yuzawa. Having said that, anywhere in the countryside beats the city in hot weather!




(You might want to ask SJ#1, he has been around for a long time).

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There's loads to do after the ski season assuming you are into the outdoors. Most mountains will look more like overgrown jungles than alpine peaks though. To get a better alpine feel you need to head towards hakuba.

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There's loads to do in the same way there's loads to do any place there is mountains and a town here in Japan. Compared to places like Minakami, Hakuba, etc, there ain't that much.

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