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In the UK at the moment "packaging" of products is a huge issue. Things like plastic bags being charged for at supermarkets instead of them giving them away, people taking their bags to the supermarket instead of always using new ones, people (well, some) rallying against stuff that is extravagently packaged etc. It has suddenly become this huge thing that everyone is being urged to act on. Can't be a bad thing, hopefully people will catch on.


I know that in Japan things are always well wrapped and was wondering if there is a similar sign of change in all that kind of thing and people being more aware of these things?

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Yes. Despite not living in the Home Counties, people here are actually aware of environmental issues. Soubriquette uses a basket for shopping (gasp) and scores points for not using plastic bags. We aren't as smart as you lot though.

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The packaging generally in Japan is totally outrageous and I can't see no change in it at all. You can buy a bar of chocolate and they want to wrap it up individually. The local breadshop by default wants to wrap each piece of bread that you choose in it's own bag, then all of them in a main bag and even a prettier bag round that. The local supermarket is no better and anyone who has received a present here will know how elaborate (and beautiful) the wrapping often is.

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[Whats with the sarcasm, mate? I wasn't implying any kind of superiority here or there, just interested in if this is an huge issue in Japan like it suddenly has become here.]

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I have no idea if it is huge or not, but it is an issue here in Tohoku, if not in Chiba or Hertfordshire. Not using excess packaging scores points and rewards with freebies.


You asked a question, I'm giving an answer. She shops with a basket and is rewarded for not using plastic bags by free shopping points. I can't make it plainer than that.


You want to know if there is any sign of change here (from your position of not knowing what the situation is)? No, there is no sign of change. people here carry shopping baskets and reject plastic bags. Why would you want us to change?

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My local supermarket here in Aomori - no points or anything for cutting down on bags.


In fact, they seem to encourage it and put things in plastic bags when they absolutely don't need to be. I always have to tell them I don't need a bag and they look at you as if you're mad.


7-11 is as bad.


Most things = ott packaging that often annoys me.

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Let me elaborate slightly. If you go to the conbeni and buy a coffee and and a packet of fags, the chick will offer to pack them in a bag. This is so you can demonstrate to the world (the wa) that you have paid for the goods. If you say no to the plastic bag, she will stick a cm of red tape on the goods, to demonstrate publicly that you are not disturbing the wa.


To assume that Japanese don't care about the environment or waste, just because it doesn't fit the Home Counties model, is to fail culture 101.

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This is where I zoom into the parallel universe. I must be the only person in Japan to say no to excess packaging. Every conbeni, supermarket and hardware store in Japan has been pre-prepared for me, and only me, with red tape to take out un-packaged goods.


Al from Scotland asked (rhetorically) why I'm unemployable. It is because I see things as they are rather than as I'm told to see them.


Try opening your eyes \:\)

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I'm sure you do. I ask for no bags too. But a whole lot of people do not. My eyes are wide open, often nearly coming out of their sockets with what I see.


What am I or whover you are directing that comment to being 'told to see'? confused.gif


I don't think many people would argue that Japanese products skimp on the packaging.

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You must have blinked. Stuff isn't wrapped in the west. The jolly grocer measures out a pound of flour from the sack on the floor, and pours it onto a sheet of newspaper. There you go lady, next one please. Don't you remember that? I do.

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It seems the red-tape system exists solely for my benefit. I'm flattered that a nation of 120 million people has installed it for me and me only. No-one else in this nation is concerned with waste.


(The red-tape is actually made from dead baby whales)

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If only these simple yellow people would accept western rules, life would be so much easier. After all, Ford and GM have taught the world about responsible car manufacturing.


Hey! Was that hybrid a Toyota? No, it was a a Honda.

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Not wanting to imflame this thread further, I think Soubs, Aomori, 1 AND BoC are all really on the same programme, but just miscommunicating intent.


BoC, 1, and Aomori yes there is an awful lot of packaging in Japan, at least in the tourist shopping area's. I am sure when you are living in Japan longterm and have local connections you will find ways to buy things that are more free of packaging. However, the Japanese have it all over the Aussies (if not other nations) in recycling.


Consider this....you have 2 islands - one each island they consume the same amount..one island packages thing as little as possible, and uses reusable bags ALL the time, but they throw all of that packaging into landfill. The 2nd island uses more packaging, but still uses some measures to reduce use, however they recycle 90% of the packaging used, and reuse it again... simplistic view I know - there are carbon issues with actually recycling that reused packaging ... but the point is that unless you do a massive study and include all of the variables I would find it hard to say which of the many nations around the world are doing it better!


The fact that we are even discussing it is a step forward.


It has become a big issue this week in Oz with rumor circulating that the Rudd Govt is considering a charge on plastic bags at the supermarket of $1 per bag. Well that would certainly make a difference - the reusable shopping bags here are $2 each, and they carry about as much as 2 plastic bags ... so even if you forget your green bags - you will end up buying more!! It is interesting to me, given this current news that the UK is charging for plastic bags.

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I'm confused here by the escalation in the thread, BoC (IMO) was saying that he has noticed now in the UK that people are starting to think about packaging and how much they use, and was wondering if Japan is also doing the same as, in his experience, he knows that japan packages everything to the hilt. (is that a fair review BoC?)


In my experience, in Japan, I would have to say no. They are happily wrapping like good-o everything that isn't nailed down or on fire. Sure, when you are quick enough to catch the lightening like reflexes of todays conbini worker and decline their kind offer of a plastic bag for a packet of chewing gum, they will stick tape on the product to indicate that you have legitimately purchased the product. However, in the main, most shops are more than happy to triple wrap the smallest of products.


*although in my local Daiei, if you don't require a placky bag then they have little tokens at the till which you put in your basket and as the clerk finds it, they don't hand over a bag to you.

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Arr yes....the EVIL EVIL shopping bag. Another great misdirected effort by people to improve the environment. Shopping bags account for less than 5% of land fill.

So why do we apply 90% of our environment saving efforts into this???

It's like throwing all our effort into saving a few whales when they are all going to be f@#ked anyway by global warming.


In our house we reuse every single bag for garbage bin liners, kids lunches ect. If your not using plastic shopping bags to line your bin, then what are you using? Plastic garbage bags?



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Packaging on products is certainly a waste. The resources and energy that go into producing the packaging is a far greater problem than the packaging itself.


Sometimes I wonder if we have all just given up trying to resolve the big environmental issues.

Global warming requires too much sacrifice from all of us, so let pretend it will go away.


Plastic bags? Hell yeah, we CAN win that war!!

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Things like the waste being separated is good here I think but they are quite excessive with the bags at the local suupa.


I always take my own.


This isn't just Japan but the packaging on some things is just disgusting.


The other day we had a box of cookies. Each tiny cookie was in it's own 2 lots of wrapping, then they were placed in a tray like thing made of plastic, then in a box. The shop put them in the bag. The cookies were gone in less than 2 minutes, the packaging in the bin.

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Shopping bags are only one problem, but I think the idea is that they are a low-hanging fruit, a simple change that people can make. Taking a basket or your own bag to the shops, its not a big change, is it? Apparently there is already a big pile of plastic swirling around in the Pacific. FWIW, I half-suspect plastic bags may produce less CO2 in total than paper ones, oil being the wonderful stuff it is, but the disposal problem remains.


The Jusco chain of supermarkets give you a stamp card if you don't take a bag. So does the Coop. You can redeem these for small gifts.

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