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Hi guys,


I have never skied in Japan before, but have heard that I may be better to rent powder skis than take my own ones. I have Salomon Siams (womens "all purpose", 159cm, 70cm waist (dimensions 117/70/105). These were OK in knee-deep powder in Whistler when they had huge dumps there a couple of years back.


Any advice really appreciated. I am 169.5cm tall, female and a high intermediate skier, if this helps. Tend to stay mainly on groomed runs...





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Talking with a skier who is learning to board today - she reckoned a ski is a ski is a ski - and you can jump on ski's and feel comfortable, whereas she found that this trip she has her own snowboard, and it is like learning all over again from the hire board of last trip...very different feel...


I found that I was more comfortable on my own gear as well - that is as a boarder.


It might be more of a proficiency thing. If you are a very good skier you can probably jump from gear to gear seamlessly - similarly if you are a very good boarder - jump from board to board with little loss of skill. But as someone who is still aquiring basic skills a change of gear will show up markedly in your form.


Bring your gear - what can it hurt!

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If you're staying on groomed runs, the skis you have will probably be fine 90% of the time. The powder doesnt last long on the groomers. You can always hire something more suitable for powder conditions - maybe get a pair with 80-85mm waist, 165-170cm long? It all depends on how much you want to carry your own stuff/spend money on rental etc.

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Thanks guys. When i was buying they had 2 womens specific I was choosing from, and the other ones were more of a powder ski, these ones I bought I was told would be better for australia (ie more of a hybrid). ANd they were fine here over winter.


Just a bit ignorant of what skis for what i am afraid, plus had heard that you "must have powder skis" for japan.


In fact Niseko hire place have just got back to me and said the same thing as you guys (had emailed them before posting), so that's what i will do!


Now have to cull my clothes to make sure I stay under 20kg - are they REALLY that strict? Or maybe can eat into dh's allowance, being male & a snowboarder ;-P





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 Originally Posted By: thursday.
If they worked in Whistler, why won't they work in Japan?

thats cuz Japanese snow is different from Canadian snow...duh! Everybody knows that.

70cm waist? eek.gif Well, if you like that skinny of a ski thats fine but I'd recommend something fatter. Maybe something in a 90+?
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 Originally Posted By: debski
Now have to cull my clothes to make sure I stay under 20kg - are they REALLY that strict?

You talk about luggage allowance? Well, with ever decreasing ticket cost many airlines discovered that charging for extra weight is a nice income. You pay usually 1% of the IATA first class o/w ticket price per Kg - that's usually US$30-50/Kg

I little over is usually OK, try to stay below 25Kg and look cute when you check in.

Hand luggage does often not get weight checked. So put heavy stuff in your hand luggage. You are usually allowed to have an extra 10Kg hand luggage. You can wear also heavy clothes (put them in the overhead compartment.
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 Originally Posted By: thursday.
yeah, wear your ski pants, ski boots on the plane.

Haha, been there, done that!
Well, not the boots, but the ski pants, yes! And not only on the plane, but also during club crawling in Roppongi a few years back with db, enderzero, mogski and dan "the red-beard". They couldn't stop laughing at me about it, but it was the only pair of trouser/pants I brought along on that trip and the day time Tokyo temperature was sometimes above 30C!
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 Originally Posted By: Markie
 Originally Posted By: thursday.
yeah, wear your ski pants, ski boots on the plane.

Haha, been there, done that!
Well, not the boots, but the ski pants, yes! And not only on the plane, but also during club crawling in Roppongi a few years back with db, enderzero, mogski and dan "the red-beard". They couldn't stop laughing at me about it, but it was the only pair of trouser/pants I brought along on that trip and the day time Tokyo temperature was sometimes above 30C!

lol.gif That musta been a fun trip eh \:\) Some nutters there for sure. You shoulda heard the Japanese coming outta DB's mouth at Uncle Stevens a few weeks ago... lol.gif \:D His GF will or wont be impressed. Either way, its BPs fault for sure :p Muttsuri sukebe BP!!!
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 Originally Posted By: Kraut_in_HongKong
debski, you should select stuff that is lite in weight. For example, thongs weight almost nothing.

really check your check-in luggage weight before you leave home and remember my hand luggage hint.

Ummmm things in the middle of winter??!!! Although where I originally come from thongs are in fact gstrings, so one way of cutting down on weight!!!

Have followed the advice - dh and I have 1 bag of clothes at 23kg, his board (6kg), My skis (7kg), boot bag with both boots in it (6kg). Plus carry on which we haven't really got that much in, so we can spill over into there, and/or take boots as carry on. So we are pretty much 42kg between the 2 of us with check in stuff, and several kg under if we take the boots as carry on.

Roll on next weekend!


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