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Interesting article in the Times today about UK people and emigration. They had some poll results below


Why People Emigrate:


Quality of life - 37%

Weather - 32%

UK too expensive - 23%

New job - 13%

Don't like UK - 12%

Join family/friends - 9%


Resort to stop you going:


Family - 43%

Like Britain - 21%

Financial - 11%

Age - 11%

Finding work - 10%


Which countries:


Niseko (sorry, Australia) - 40%

Spain - 31%

Canada - 31%

New Zealand - 22%

USA - 21%

France - 18%

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Can you lucky bastards easily emigrate to Canada? I am (still) in the process of getting a UK passport. Will that mean I get the same ex-colonial emigration rights as a native pom?


When WWIII gets well under way and I am forced to return to the relative safety of the remote Australian corner of the world, I will emigrate to NZ and live in the mountains, hopefully near a lake with fish in it.

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Because I can (my old man was born in unpopular Wales).


The British passport is the most valuable in the world. Besides Britain, it allows me to buy a house, work and live anywhere in the enormously diverse nations within the European Economic Area + Switzerland http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Economic_Area. There are also easier emigration conditions to some Commonwealth countries.


Plus, I have a highly sought after Australian passport which allows me to live freely in New Zealand. And if I should marry a non-Australian, I also gain fee residence in their home country. So if I married my current gf I could add Japan to that list. For this reason alone, as an Australian, I would never marry an Australian girl. Most of the time they are a one way passport to the suburbs and a two car garage brick home with stain proof carpet on smith street. I have a lot of countries in my future.

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Originally posted by le spud:
So if I married my current gf I could add Japan to that list.
Spud, if I remember well if you apply for a J-passport, you have to forfeit your other passports in order to get it.
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